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Category Archives: Conserve Energy
Homes & Buildings
Preface. To prepare for the day when there is no natural gas, oil, or coal to heat homes and buildings, the best possible way to prepare for the future and lessen suffering would be retrofitting homes to use less energy … Continue reading
Posted in Conserve Energy
Tagged buildings, cooking box, homes, insulation, retrofit
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Rob Mielcarski: You know you are in trouble when…
[ This is from the outstanding blog by Rob Mielcarski ( which you can see here. I cant think of anything he’s left out… Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, 2015, … Continue reading
Posted in Conserve Energy, Critical Thinking, Population, What to do
Tagged critical thinking, Rob Mielcarski
Tax reform & federal energy policy: incentives to promote energy efficiency. U.S. Senate hearing.
[ By far the best strategy to cope with energy decline is to prepare by making homes, businesses, appliances, vehicles, and so on more energy efficient. If it turns out that renewable energy has too low an EROI to sustain … Continue reading
Posted in Conserve Energy, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged energy efficiency
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David L. Greene, ORNL: Raise cafe standards and gas tax
Excerpt from: U.S. House. February 9, 2005. Improving the nation’s energy security: can cars and trucks be made more fuel efficient? Committee on science, House of Representatives, Serial No. 109-3. 140 pages. DAVID L. GREENE, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY, CENTER … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Congressional Record U.S., Conserve Energy, Transportation What To Do
Tagged cafe standard, energy security, gas tax
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Conservation? Maybe not: Jevon’s Paradox & the Rebound Effect
Conservation? Maybe not: Jevon’s Paradox & the Rebound Effect by Alice Friedemann, October 7, 2014 The rebound effect makes it much more difficult to solve our energy problems, because the full energy savings aren’t realized, and the energy savings can … Continue reading
Posted in Conserve Energy, Dependence on Oil, Net Energy Cliff
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