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Category Archives: Transportation What To Do
Unpave concrete & asphalt to save energy and money
Preface. The U.S. has 4.1 million miles of roads (1.9 million paved, 2.2 million gravel). About 3 million miles of roads have less than 2,000 vehicles a day, less than 15% of all traffic. The paved portion of these low-volume … Continue reading
Posted in Concrete, Roads, Transportation, Transportation What To Do
Tagged depave, roads, unpave
Life before Cars: When Pedestrians Ruled the Streets
Preface. The past is future after fossil fuels, but minus the horses for a while, since before cars they required about a sixth of U.S. farmland for their feed. My grandfather, Francis J. Pettijohn, used to fondly reminisce about how … Continue reading
Airplanes are energy gluttons. Finite oil should be used for ships, locomotives, & trucks
Preface. As oil declines and the energy crisis worsens, airplanes ought to be the first to go since they are 600 times less energy efficient than large cargo ships (30,000 / 50), 50 to 120 times less efficient than trains, … Continue reading
Posted in Airplanes, Transportation What To Do
Anyone who whines about airplanes should have to take the Oregon Trail
Source: Book cover of “Oregon Or Bust: True Short Stories from the Descendants of Oregon Trail Pioneers, Prospectors, Trappers, and Settlers in the Great Northwest Hardcover” by Gentry Ward Cutsforth (2012), XLibris. Preface. Also listen to the Louis CK rant … Continue reading
Posted in Airplanes, Lithium-ion, Transportation What To Do
Tagged airplane, battery, oregon trail, transportation
Do taxes cover the cost to maintain your street?
From: Are Your Taxes Paying for the Cost of Your Street? Believe it or not, almost everywhere in the country, people are not paying for the cost of the street right in front of their own properties. I made a … Continue reading
Reduce vehicle fuel consumption to increase energy security
[This is a really interesting House session that discusses U.S. energy policy, the need for consumers to be educated about why they should buy more fuel efficient cars, and push-back from the auto industry (see the full 140 pages for … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Congressional Record U.S., Transportation What To Do
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David L. Greene, ORNL: Raise cafe standards and gas tax
Excerpt from: U.S. House. February 9, 2005. Improving the nation’s energy security: can cars and trucks be made more fuel efficient? Committee on science, House of Representatives, Serial No. 109-3. 140 pages. DAVID L. GREENE, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY, CENTER … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Congressional Record U.S., Conserve Energy, Transportation What To Do
Tagged cafe standard, energy security, gas tax
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Better truck fuel efficiency to delay the end of the oil age
NAS. 2010. Technologies and Approaches to Reducing the Fuel Consumption of Medium- and Heavy-Duty Vehicles (National Academy of Sciences Study) This free, 251 page document is one of the best I’ve seen on the myriad ways trucks could double their … Continue reading
Posted in Transportation What To Do, Trucks
Tagged aerodynamic, fuel efficiency, hybrid, lightweighting, mpg, peak oil, ton miles, truck
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