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Tag Archives: arctic oil
U.S. Army new jobs: quell social unrest from climate change, help get arctic oil
Preface. Of all the branches of government, the military is the most on top of climate change, peak oil, pandemics, power grid failure, and other disasters. I guess that shouldn’t be surprising, it’s their job to defend the U.S. against … Continue reading
Posted in Military
Tagged arctic oil, army, climate change, military, pandemic
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Getting Arctic oil and natural gas will take decades or more
Preface. Only one exploratory well can be drilled in the short arctic summers, and many more need to be drilled to even find and then explore the size of a potential oil field to see if it is worth extracting. … Continue reading
Posted in Arctic
Tagged arctic oil, drilling, ice
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Professor Tad Patzek on Oil in the Arctic
[Shell spent 10 years and $7 billion before withdrawing from exploring the arctic because the oil and gas reserves they found were too meager. The company needed “a multi-billion barrel discovery” to “justify going ahead,” Shell chief executive Ben van … Continue reading
Posted in Arctic
Tagged arctic oil, cost, risk
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