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- Telling others about peak oil and limits to growth
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- We already have a date for the zenith of civilization: 2025-2026
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- Peak Menhaden
- Hemp for paper, textiles, the war on drugs, and more
- Why towns have a hard time adding EV, solar, heat pumps
- Building a national super grid in America
- The Mayflower from the book The Barbarous Years
- The deep sea is a desperate place to drill for more
Tag Archives: bubble
Corruption and economic instability in the news
[ I can’t keep up with the flood of news about corruption, fraud and economic instability, which is just a symptom of the real problem: the end of growth. In a credit/debit system, lenders won’t lend if they think the … Continue reading
Posted in ! About Corruption, Economic Decline, Other Experts
Tagged bubble, corruption, debt, financial crash, index
Shale Euphoria: The Boom and Bust of Sub Prime Oil and Natural Gas
[ U.S. house hearings have stated that the U.S. is energy independent, that shale oil and gas will give us a century of energy independence: House 112-176 in 2012, House 113-1 2013, and several others. In fact we have so … Continue reading
Posted in Oil & Gas Fracked, Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil
Tagged bubble, deflation, fracking, gas, oil, peak natural gas, peak oil, shale
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Economic peak shale natural gas and oil from yet another bank & Wall Street scam
[ “Shale drillers companies are struggling to pay $235 billion of high-yield, high-risk debt taken on during the past 3 years of the U.S. shale boom. Shale drillers have consistently spent money faster than they’ve made it, even when oil … Continue reading
Posted in Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil
Tagged bubble, debt, natural gas, oil, scam, wall street
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Stock Market Bubbles and Rallies
I have a theory that the rich milk the middle class like cows by deliberately driving up the prices of stocks and skimming the cream off by selling before the market goes down, as described in Matt Taibbi’s The Great … Continue reading
Goldman Sachs has manipulated markets since the Great Depression and still is
The Great American Bubble Machine From tech stocks to high gas prices, Goldman Sachs has engineered every major market manipulation since the Great Depression — and they’re about to do it again 9 July 2009 Matt Taibbi The first … Continue reading