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Tag Archives: carrying capacity
How Nixon and the Catholic Church conspired to stop actions to prevent overpopulation
[ All of what follows is from the article below. Mumford makes the case that: “Had the recommendations of NSSM 200 been implemented in 1975, the world would be very different today. The prospects would have improved for every nation … Continue reading →
Posted in Overpopulation, Population
Tagged carrying capacity, overpopulation, population
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Increasing population + declining fossil fuels = less population
[ This essay looks at the human footprint on the planet, how it grew so large, the problems it causes, and the consequences. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, 2015, Springer … Continue reading →
John W Day Jr, Charles Hall, et al: Ecology in Times of Scarcity
Day, J. W. Jr., Hall, C.A., Yanez-Arancibia , A., Pimentel, D., Marti, C. I., and Mitsch, W. J. 2009. Ecology in Times of Scarcity. BioScience. 59:4, 321-331. Abstract In an energy-scarce future, ecosystem services will become more important in supporting … Continue reading →
Posted in Charles A. S. Hall
Tagged carrying capacity, climate change, ecology, energy scarcity, exponential growth, overpopulation
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William Rees: Culture and behavior: The human nature of unsustainability
Read the full report:» Download the PDF (1 MB) William Rees. (2011) The Unsustainability Conundrum. Post Carbon Institute In 1992 the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) issued the following gloomy assessment of the prospects for civilization: We the undersigned, senior … Continue reading →
Posted in Scientists Warnings to Humanity, William Rees
Tagged carrying capacity, dieoff, ecosystem
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Carrying Capacity, web sites, and articles
Definition of Carrying Capacity Carrying capacity refers to the number of individuals who can be supported in a given area within natural resource limits, and without degrading the natural social, cultural and economic environment for present and future generations. The … Continue reading →
Posted in Overpopulation
Tagged carrying capacity
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