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Tag Archives: china
Cyber Attacks an unprecedented threat to U.S. National Security
Preface. This post contains extracts from 3 congressional hearings in the House of representatives session on cyber attacks. Alice Friedemann Author of Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy; When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the … Continue reading
Posted in China and War, Cyber, CyberAttacks, U.S. Congress Infrastructure
Tagged china, cyber war, cyberattack, united states
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China food security: climate change likely to reduce rice, wheat, and other crop yields
Climate change is also likely to lower wheat production: Global warming will have a bad effect on heat-sensitive wheat, slashing yields even more than was originally feared. It could be much harder than we thought to feed everyone in a … Continue reading
Posted in Food production, Starvation
Tagged china, climate change, starvation
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China Water issues
China is one of a few and often only place making products from computers to furniture, as well as the components of most products, so if China collapses, the ripple effects will be felt elsewhere. On the other hand, if … Continue reading
Posted in Water Infrastructure
Tagged china, water issues, water problems
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China’s growing energy use and effect on U.S. jobs and prices
[ China’s huge appetite for energy creates a risk of war over the remaining oil resources. But we are unlikely to take them on directly in the South Sea because they are so much better prepared to launch a cyberattack … Continue reading
Posted in China and War, Congressional Record U.S.
Tagged china, energy, oil
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