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- The deep sea is a desperate place to drill for more
Tag Archives: collapse
By 2020 it may be clear to everyone that oil decline has begun
Preface. There are two parts to Dittmar’s study. The first one concerns production, based on the most recent years of oil production. Dittmar found a strong pattern of oil decline after the plateau of 3% a year for five years, … Continue reading
Posted in Exports decline to ZERO, How Much Left, Peak Oil
Tagged collapse, decline, peak oil
Civil war coming?
Preface. I read Turchin’s latest book which attempts to show why his past theories about the rise and fall of agrarian nations also applies to our modern civilization. But there was not one mention of fossil fuels, natural resources, or … Continue reading
Here’s how NASA thinks society will collapse
Preface. NASA says that the way to avoid collapse is having the population reach a steady state at the maximum carrying capacity and reducing the rate of depletion of nature to a sustainable level by equitably distributing resources. They don’t … Continue reading
“World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: A Second Notice”
Preface. I’m sure anyone reading this post knows it is too late to do anything but eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow … Although this warning was widely published, it was left out of over half of the top … Continue reading
House hearing on Venezuela’s collapse March 2017
“The economy of Venezuela is largely based on the petroleum sector and manufacturing. Revenue from petroleum exports accounts for more than 50% of the country’s GDP and roughly 95% of total exports” (wiki). Preface. Venezuela supposedly has 18.2% of the … Continue reading
Posted in Mass migrations, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, Venezuela
Tagged collapse, house hearing, refugees, Venezuela
House hearing: no solutions for North Korea in sight
[ This is a summary of the March 2017 house hearing titled “Pressuring North Korea–evaluating options”. First are some of the reasons why nothing is going to change –in my own wording–followed by congressional testimony. Then Chairman Yoho gives a … Continue reading
Posted in North Korea, Oil shock collapse, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged collapse, North Korea
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Pentagon video warns of unavoidable dystopian future for world’s biggest cities
Preface. A few excerpts: Megacities are, by definition, urban areas with a population of 10 million or more, and they have been a recent source of worry and research for the U.S. military. A 2014 Army report, titled “Megacities and … Continue reading
Summary of German Armed Forces Peak Oil Study
[This is a summary I first published in 2011. It’s important, so I’ve re-posted it today. According to Der Spiegel this study was leaked and not meant for publication. The document concludes that the public must be made aware of … Continue reading
Posted in Books, GOVERNMENT, Government study predictions, Military, Over Oil, Peak Oil, Peak Resources, War, War Books
Tagged and Technologies, Armed Forces, Capabilities, collapse, fast crash, german peak oil, in the 21st Century Environmental Dimensions of Security, market crash, peak oil, war