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Tag Archives: collapse
70 million people may need emergency food in 2017
Emergency food assistance needs unprecedented as Famine threatens four countries. January 25, 2017. Famine Early Warnings systems network ( The Famine Early Warning Systems Network is a leading provider of early warning and analysis on food insecurity. Created by USAID … Continue reading
Oil shortages and climate change may lead to refugee camps even in the U.S. and Europe
[ Will refugee camps be the cities of tomorrow in the U.S. and other developed nations? As oil shortages disrupt supply chains; food shortages grow larger every year from climate change, topsoil erosion, and shortages of natural-gas fertilizer; and rising … Continue reading
Why Civilizations Fail by William Ophuls
[ These are my notes from the book, not a proper book review, and since the notes are disjointed, you’d be wise to buy the book– it’s excellent! Plus then it’s on your shelf for future generations to understand what … Continue reading
After collapse: plunder or feudalism?
IWW poster “Pyramid of Capitalist System” (c. 1911), depicting an anti-capitalist perspective on statist/capitalist social structures Preface. In this post an anonymous author looks at what will happen if society collapses and we have to suddenly go back to … Continue reading
Posted in Farming & Ranching, Peak Food, Peak Phosphorus, Soil, Where are the rich going
Tagged agriculture, billionaires, collapse, farming, feudalism, greenhouse
Gail Tverberg: 2017 The year the world economy starts coming apart
[ Note: In a 2016 post “Overly Simple Energy-Economy Models Give Misleading Answers” Tverberg points out that: “The common lay interpretation of simple models is that running out of energy supplies can be expected to be our overwhelming problem in … Continue reading
Posted in Limits To Growth, Net Energy Cliff
Tagged collapse, limits to growth, net energy cliff, peak coal, peak oil
Why is Detroit falling apart so fast?
Using Google street view history, records the decay of homes in Detroit. Above shows homes September 2009, September 2011, and September 2013 I’ve been fascinated with the decline of Detroit since a guy in my dormitory told me back … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Infrastructure & Collapse, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Poverty
Tagged collapse, Detroit, infrastructure, nuclear waste
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Ward-Perkins “The Fall of Rome: And the End of Civilization”
[ This is a book review of Ward-Perkins “The Fall of Rome: And the End of Civilization“. What sparked my interest in reading several books on the decline of Rome was when James Howard Kunstler (KunstlerCast 278) interviewed me about … Continue reading
Posted in Collapse of Civilizations, Roman Empire, Supply Chains
Tagged civilization, collapse, decline and fall, roman empire
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Pessimism and Optimism versus Ignorance
Below are my thoughts about whether views based on scientific evidence can be labeled optimistic or pessimistic. Skeptical energy news: 2017-2-7 Renewable Lies And The Deception Of Dutch Commuters Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and … Continue reading
Posted in 2) Collapse, Critical Thinking
Tagged collapse, ignorance, optimism, peak oil, war
Richard Heinberg: “An Order of Chaos Please”
[ Richard Heinberg’s article comes after my comments below: It really matters who is in power when the energy crisis hits, because some leaders will soften collapse more than others. Surely right-wing / libertarian “everyone for themselves” leaders will have … Continue reading
Posted in GOVERNMENT, Human Nature, Richard Heinberg
Tagged collapse, government, koch brothers, libertarian, peak oil, politics, richard heinberg
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Why the demise of civilization is inevitable
MacKenzie, D. April 2, 2008. Why the demise of civilisation may be inevitable. NewScientist. Every civilization in history has collapsed. Why should ours be any different? Homer-Dixon doubts we can stave off collapse completely. He points to what he calls … Continue reading
Posted in 3) Fast Crash, Interdependencies
Tagged civilization, collapse, homer-dixon, tainter
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