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Tag Archives: congressional record
Should America Export Oil? Senate hearings 2014-2015
[ There are excerpts from two senate hearings on exporting crude oil below. Much of the testimony is either from industries that will make money off of exports, or industries that will lose money because they use (cheap) oil as … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Energy Independence
Tagged congressional record, energy independence, export oil
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OPEC’s policies are a threat to the U.S. economy. U.S. House 2000
[ Perhaps when the energy crisis has struck and rationing grows ever tighter, people not be traveling much and have more free time, and interest in the history of energy policy. So here’s a bit of what was said back … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged congressional record, energy crisis, energy policy, OPEC
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Let’s get rid of invasive species ASAP
Preface. Breaking news: if you can’t beat them, eat them! Wildlife officials are encouraging people to eat invasive bullfrogs (Eggett 2019). No limits and no license required. They can get up to 1.5 … Continue reading
Posted in BioInvasion, Congressional Record U.S.
Tagged Bioinvasion, bullfrogs, congressional record, house hearing, invasive species, utah
U.S. Senate hearing on our aging water infrastructure
[ Even though conventional oil production has been on a plateau since 2005, there is no sense of alarm or urgency to try to fix infrastructure before oil is rationed and not enough exists to replace or repair it. Some … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Infrastructure, Water Infrastructure
Tagged congressional record, dams, energy, infrastructure, reservoirs, water
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Peak oil in the Congressional record 2015
[ I’ve meant to post more but haven’t gotten around to it, but there are quite a few other summaries of house and senate hearings on energy in category Experts/GOVERNMENT/Congressional Record U.S. Also see: Peak Oil in the Congressional record: … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S.
Tagged congressional record, derivatives, fracking, Jim Mcdermott, junk bond, peak natural gas, peak oil, ptashnik, wall street
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Peak oil in the Congressional record 2014: 7 denials, 1 affirmation
Peak oil in the Congressional record 2014 from the U.S. Government Publishing Office by Alice Friedemann, 7 government documents 7 Denials, 4 from House of representatives David Schweikert of Arizona 1 affirmation of conventional oil peak from James Hansen … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S.
Tagged congressional record, peak oil
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