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Tag Archives: crash
Nobel prize economist Robert Shiller: market risk keeps him awake worrying
[ According to this article: “Shiller’s latest analysis shouldn’t be taken lightly. His forecasting skills were recognized in 2013 when he won the Nobel Prize in Economics. He’s known for predicting both the dot-com bubble and the housing bubble in … Continue reading
Steve St. Angelo: Prepare for asset price declines of 50 to 75%
Steve St. Angelo. July 4, 2017. Prepare for asset price declines of 50 to 75%. SRSRocco report. What we have is a totally propped-up market based upon debt. Energy isn’t producing positive growth. So instead of having real economic growth, … Continue reading
New York Times: Global Bond Frenzy Raises Concerns
Global Bond Frenzy Raises Concerns Feb 19, 2014. Landon Thomas. New York Times Global bond investors have financed some of the most enormous projects ever taken on by emerging economies the past few years. Now growth is faltering in many … Continue reading
Posted in Bond Market
Tagged bonds, crash, meltdown
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