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Tag Archives: distribution of wealth
Book review of “White Trash. The 400-year untold history of class in America”
Preface. This book makes the case that the poor arrived 500 years ago when America was first settled, and most of them never rose to the middle or upper classes because “land was the principal source of wealth, and those … Continue reading
Posted in Distribution of Wealth, Financial, Politics, Poverty
Tagged distribution of wealth, poverty, white trash
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The 1% have always been with us – even hunter gatherers had inequality
Pringle, H. May 23, 2014. The ancient roots of the 1%. Science 344: 822-825. Don’t blame farming. Inequality got its start among resource-rich hunter-gatherers. In 79 C.E., the year Mount Vesuvius destroyed it, Pompeii was not one city but two. … Continue reading
Financial Monsters — Bigger Crashes than 2008 are yet to come
by Alice Friedemann October 12, 2007 The monsters are still there. Sure, quantitative easing fed them enough money to keep them away for a while, but cheap money can’t be doled out to bankrupt banksters and Wall Street forever. Meanwhile … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Economic Instability
Tagged derivateves, distribution of wealth, hedge funds, leveraged debt, pensions, unemployment
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