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Tag Archives: electricity
Rust Power
Preface. This is yet another article with an energy generation idea that will probably never work out and become commercial. But it gives hope and dreams to ordinary people who think what a cool idea, and who will never check … Continue reading
Book review of Bryce’s “Power hungry: the myths of green energy and the real fuels of the future”
Preface. This is a book review of: Robert Bryce. 2009. Power Hungry: The Myths of “Green” Energy and the Real Fuels of the Future. This is a brilliant book, very funny at times, a great way to sharpen your critical … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Books, Other Experts
Tagged electric car, electricity, green energy, power density, wind
Net metering and the death of US rooftop solar
April 22, 2016 by Roger Andrews at “Net metering” allows anyone with a solar installation to sell surplus solar power to the grid when the sun is shining and to purchase power back from the grid when it isn’t. … Continue reading
Why we need a diverse electricity generation portfolio: House hearing 2013
House 113-12. March 5, 2013. American Energy security and innovation. The role of a diverse electricity generation portfolio. House of Representatives. 135 pages. June 5, 2015. Proposed Clean Power Plan would accelerate renewable additions and coal plant retirements. U.S. Energy … Continue reading
Posted in Coal, Grid instability, Natural Gas, U.S. Congress Energy Independence
Tagged diversity, electricity, new power plants
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Just 16,000 catenary trucks (out of 5.6 million) would use 1% of California’s electricity generation
Preface. We must electrify trucks since fuel from oil, coal, and natural gas is finite, and biomass doesn’t scale up. Without transportation, electricity contraptions like wind turbines, solar facilities, and nuclear power plants can’t be built. A wind turbine, for … Continue reading
Posted in Electric & Hydrogen trucks impossible, Trucks: Electric
Tagged battery, BEV, catenary, CNG, drayage, electric truck, electricity, transportation, trucks
Electricity, fuel, and other interdependencies
Freight trucks, trains, ships, airplanes all stop when the electricity is out because the pumps depend on it. Related: Why you should love trucks and When Trucks Stop CR. September 4 & 23, 2003. Implications of power blackouts for the … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Fuel Distribution, Interdependencies, Trucks
Tagged blackout, diesel, electricity, fuel, gas, generator, interdependency, telecommunications
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