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Tag Archives: energy security
China is securing energy resources. A potential threat to Europe and U.S. interests.
Preface. China is vastly expanding its fleet of natural gas heavy-duty trucks to 700,000 in 2018 and similar or more amounts after that. They are building pipelines to Russia and other Central Asian countries to keep the gas coming. I … Continue reading
Posted in Natural Gas, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged china, energy security
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National security implications of international energy and climate change policies, Senate hearing
[This is an excerpt of a very interesting senate hearing that looks at how war can be caused by climate change (i.e. drought, hunger, rising sea levels) and how climate change will affect infrastructure. The European emissions trading scheme and … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Congressional Record U.S., Energy Infrastructure, Middle East
Tagged carbon tax, climate change, energy independence, energy security, energy subsidy, fraud, natural gas, oil
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Achieving U.S. energy independence with our “neighbors” oil
[ The main U.S. interest becoming more energy independent by getting oil from our “neighbors” Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil, and Canada, while at the same time minimizing growing Chinese and Russian attempts to get their oil and other natural resources. … Continue reading
Posted in U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged energy independence, energy security, oil
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David L. Greene, ORNL: Raise cafe standards and gas tax
Excerpt from: U.S. House. February 9, 2005. Improving the nation’s energy security: can cars and trucks be made more fuel efficient? Committee on science, House of Representatives, Serial No. 109-3. 140 pages. DAVID L. GREENE, OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY, CENTER … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Congressional Record U.S., Conserve Energy, Transportation What To Do
Tagged cafe standard, energy security, gas tax
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Robert McNally on energy at U.S. Congressional Hearings
Preface. I think it is interesting to know what Congress hears about energy from experts, and what the official U.S. energy policies are. It is frustrating that Energy Return on Invested (EROI) is never discussed, even by intelligent analysts like … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Other Experts
Tagged congress, energy security, house of representatives, national security, oil, Rapidan Group, Robert McNally
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Former President Carter on U.S. energy security & policy now and in the past
[Former President Carter and General Wald both say the American public need to be better informed about the energy crisis to motivate them to stop buying gas-guzzling vehicles, since that’s … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Dependence on Oil, Energy Policy & Politicians, President Jimmy Carter
Tagged energy crisis, energy security, history, jimmy carter
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Energy Security experts count how many angels can dance on the head of a pin
Sovacool, Benjamin (editor). 2011. The Routledge Handbook of Energy Security. Routledge. I’m feeling very insecure if the discussions and conclusions in this book at all represent the latest thinking of scholars on energy security. They remind me of the recent … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Energy Books
Tagged energy security
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