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Tag Archives: evolution
Rare Earth updates: recent research on why complex & intelligent life are rare in the Universe
Preface. These are updates to Ward & Brownlee’s book “Rare Earth: Why Complex life is Uncommon in the Universe”. If we are one of the few planets with intelligent life, what a shame it would be if we destroyed ourselves … Continue reading
Posted in Evolution, Human Nature, Planetary Boundaries, Wood
Tagged combustion, complex life, evolution, intelligent life, photosynthesis, rare earth, Theia, venus, water
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Prime movers of human evolution
Preface. The human brain and culture evolved at an astonishing rate, making scientists wonder what conditions and ecological pressures drove it, why we became homo sapiens so quickly. This is a post that will grow over time as I find … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Evolution, Human Nature
Tagged agriculture, ashkenazi jews, bipedal, brain size, evolution, homo sapiens, human, neanderthal, prime mover
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The myriad ways females play a role in evolution
Preface. This is a review of Cooke’s book “Bitch: On the female of the species”. I’ve been reading about evolution for a long time, but there was a great deal of new research on the role females play in evolution … Continue reading
Posted in Evolution, Feminism
Tagged anthropology, evolution, female, feminism, primatology
Book Review: The Age of Wood: Our Most Useful Material & the Construction of Civilization
Preface. This is a book review, mainly with excerpts, of Ennos’s book “The Age of Wood. Our Most Useful Material and the Construction of Civilization”. If you know anything about woodworking, you will enjoy the detailed descriptions of how and … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Books, Jobs and Skills, Life After Fossil Fuels, Wood
Tagged evolution, forests, infrastructure, Life After Fossil Fuels, tools, wood
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Where do we come from, who are we, and where are we going?
Preface. This is a book of review of The Social Conquest of Earth, in which E. O. Wilson answers these questions. Although tribes have invented thousands of creation myths since paleolithic times, Wilson finally has written a book explaining our … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Evolution, Natural History, Religion
Tagged evolution, religion, selection, superstition, Wilson
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Rare Earth: Why complex life is uncommon in the universe
Preface. So much research on why complex life is rare in the universe has come out since this book I’ve created another post: Rare Earth updates: recent research on why intelligent life is probably rare in the Universe. And intelligent … Continue reading
Jacob Tanenbaum: Creation, Evolution and Indisputable facts
Preface. And you wonder why Trump got elected? Evangelists are 25% of voters, and 80% of them voted for Trump. Clearly they can’t think clearly. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Religion
Tagged bible, creationism, critical thinking, evolution
How burning biomass made us human
[ This is a book review of Wrangham’s “Catching Fire: How cooking made us human”. Fire enabled us to have larger brains from the increased calories in cooked food, held carnivores at bay, killed bacteria, and gave us many other … Continue reading
Book Review of Paleofantasy: What Evolution really tells us about sex, diet, and how we live
Alice Friedemann’s review of: Marlene Zuk. 2013. Paleofantasy: What Evolution really tells us about sex, diet, and how we live. My first introduction to Evolutionary Psychology was “The Adapted Mind” which posited we’re unhappy because of the tremendous difference between … Continue reading
Posted in Agriculture, Evolution, Health
Tagged agriculture, diet, evolution, grain, nutrition, paleofantasy
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