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Tag Archives: fuel cell
Heavy-duty hydrogen fuel cell trucks a waste of energy and money
Preface. There are 3 articles that I summarize below: ARB. November 2015. Medium- and heavy-duty fuel cell electric vehicles. Air Resources Board, California Environmental Protection Agency. NRC. 2003. Energy and Transportation: Challenges for the Chemical Sciences in the 21st Century. … Continue reading
Posted in Batteries, Electric & Hydrogen trucks impossible, Hydrogen, Trucks: Electric
Tagged electric truck, FCEV, FHCEV, fuel cell, hydrogen, truck
All Electric Trucks. Probably not going to happen. Ever. Why not?
There are “forms of transport that cannot be electrified — heavy-duty trucks and planes… Even if the electricity problem can be solved, it won’t address the needs of planes, trucks, ships and some industrial heating that cannot be electrified” (Long). … Continue reading
Posted in Batteries, Lithium-ion, Trucks
Tagged A123, all electric, battery, e-truck, electric truck, fuel cell, Smith Electric, subsidy
How to improve railroad fuel efficiency
[ Below are excerpts from this 70 page report. It is hard to find documents on reducing oil consumption through energy efficiency, most papers concentrate on greenhouse gas emissions, which usually lowers energy efficiency, or how to grow roads, rail … Continue reading
Posted in Railroads
Tagged energy efficiency, engine, fuel cell, locomotive, turbine
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