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- Tom Murphy Stubborn Expectations (on population)
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- Telling others about peak oil and limits to growth
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Tag Archives: limits to growth
Tom Murphy Stubborn Expectations (on population)
U.N.Total fertility rate projections Preface. Tom Murphy has one of the best blogs on limits to growth, peak everything and more from the point of view of math and physics called Do The Math. Tom Murphy is a professor emeritus … Continue reading
Posted in Overpopulation, Scientists
Tagged collapse, fertility, limits to growth, population
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Telling others about peak oil and limits to growth
Preface. Obviously the planet is finite. We’re using many times more oil than we’re discovering, and therefore at some point global oil production will peak and decline. In fact, global conventional and unconventional oil production peaked in 2018 and conventional … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Limits To Growth, Peak Oil
Tagged denial, limits to growth, peak oil, population, telling others
Dennis Meadows of Limits to Growth: Collapse inevitable
Preface. Dennis Meadows is a co-author of The Limits to Growth. In 1972, the team of 66 scientists he assembled for the original Limits to Growth study concluded the most probable result will be a rather sudden and uncontrollable decline … Continue reading
Posted in Limits To Growth, Peak Oil History
Tagged aspo, dennis meadows, limits to growth, peak oil history
Rees on Overshoot: Growth through contraction: conceiving an eco-economy
Preface. William Rees writes some of the best and most comprehensible papers of all on the overshoot crisis we are in. We should have begun a U-turn in the 60s after The Population Bomb, or the 70s when Limits to … Continue reading
Posted in Limits To Growth, Overshoot, William Rees
Tagged contraction, ecological footprint, limits to growth, localization, overshoot, steady-state economy
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Your life and the economy depend on biodiversity
Preface. We are trained in school, newspapers, and TV to view the world politically and economically. Not ecologically. The World Economic Forum article below is an excellent summary of why biodiversity is so important, as much as climate change, which … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Limits To Growth
Tagged biodiversity, ecology, ecosystems, limits to growth
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Why do leaders & the public deny peak oil & limits to growth?
Preface. It’s strange that we’re on the cusp of Peak Oil, and yet the only existential threat you ever hear about is Climate Change. The New York Times has mentioned climate change over 15,000 times the past 5 years, and … Continue reading
Will Artificial Intelligence destroy us?
Preface. When it comes to artificial intelligence, most articles assume it will happen, so discussions range around when and how it will happen. Often speculation that a general AI may use its ability to find patterns in data will allow … Continue reading
Book Review of Richard Heinberg’s 2011 “The End of Growth”
Preface. This is not a book review really, it’s more a few of my kindle notes. Heinberg writes so well, so clearly, that I am sure history will remember him as the most profound and wide-ranging expert on energy and … Continue reading
Posted in Richard Heinberg
Tagged heinberg, limits to growth, peak oil
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