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Tag Archives: meltdown
Climate change risks could cause an American “Fukushima”
Preface. Nuclear power plants need a constant supply of electric power to pump cool water into a reactor’s core. Ninety percent of them, 54 plants, have at least one flood risk exceeding their design. If flooding stops the power supply … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Nuclear Waste
Tagged climate change, Fukushima, meltdown, nuclear waste
New York Times: Global Bond Frenzy Raises Concerns
Global Bond Frenzy Raises Concerns Feb 19, 2014. Landon Thomas. New York Times Global bond investors have financed some of the most enormous projects ever taken on by emerging economies the past few years. Now growth is faltering in many … Continue reading
Posted in Bond Market
Tagged bonds, crash, meltdown
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Mass Destruction from Derivatives HuffingtonPost
The Armageddon Looting Machine: The Looming Mass Destruction From Derivatives Sep 18, 2013. Ellen Brown. Increased regulation and low interest rates are driving lending from the regulated commercial banking system into the unregulated shadow banking system. The shadow banks, although … Continue reading