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Tag Archives: nuclear power
Book review of Jaczko’s “Confessions of a rogue nuclear regulator”
Preface. After presenting a lot of evidence for why nuclear power plants are inherently unsafe, Jaczko concludes: “There is only one logical answer: we must stop generating nuclear waste, and that means we must stop using nuclear power. You would … Continue reading
A third of Nuclear Reactors are going to die of old age in the next 10-20 years
70% of reactors are over 25 years old, 23% are over 35 years old, so within 10 to 20 years about a third will have to be decommissioned, far more than the 63 under construction. Some are bound to fail … Continue reading
Energy Watch Group. Peak Uranium 2020-2035
Energy Watch Group. March 2013. Fossil and Nuclear Fuels – the Supply Outlook (172 pages) Uranium production peaks for the same reasons as oil, coal, and natural gas: the depletion of easy and cheap to develop mines. EWG’s guess is … Continue reading
Posted in Nuclear Power Energy, Peak Uranium
Tagged nuclear power, peak uranium
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