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Tag Archives: overpopulation
Promoting abstinence and fidelity does nothing to reduce teen pregnancies or HIV
Preface. One of the goals of Christian evangelists and fundamentalists is to get enough Supreme Court justices who will stop sex education and ban contraceptives. Bad timing, free birth control and abortion are desperately needed to get the human population down … Continue reading
Posted in Population
Tagged abstinence, birth control, overpopulation
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Booklist: Limits to Growth, Overpopulation, Collapse, War, Extinction
More booklists Limits to Growth Donella Meadows. 2004. The Limits to Growth: The 30 year update V Smil. Enriching the Earth: Fritz Haber, Carl Bosch, and the Transformation of World Food Production. K Gever. Beyond Oil: The threat to food … Continue reading
Posted in Book List
Tagged collapse, extinction, limits to growth, overpopulation, war
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Nature: All women in the world should have the right to birth control
Source: Masri L (2019) “Two is enough” Egypt tells poor families as population booms. The Star. Preface. Nature is one of the top science journals, so it is a big deal that Nature finally acknowledged a growing population will wreak … Continue reading
Posted in Population, Scientists Warnings to Humanity
Tagged family planning, overpopulation, population
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Admiral Rickover 1957: Energy Resources & Our Future
Preface. I’ve shortened and reworded this speech. All of Admiral Rickover’s speech is prescient and important, a few paragraphs: “We live in what historians may some day call the Fossil Fuel Age. Today coal, oil, and natural gas supply 93% … Continue reading
Over 21 essential resources have peaked including fish, milk, eggs, wheat, corn, rice, soy
Nature summary of this article: “The rates at which humans consume multiple resources such as food and wood peaked at roughly the same time, around 2006. This means that resources could be simultaneously depleted, so achieving sustainability might be more … Continue reading
Posted in Limits To Growth, Peak Food
Tagged food, limits to growth, overpopulation, peak
Population posts on the internet
[Below are posts I’ve run across on population. It will be left to Mother Nature to cut our numbers back to what the earth can support after fossil fuels decline. In the brief 100 years or so the oil-boom lasted, … Continue reading
Posted in Population, Scientists Warnings to Humanity
Tagged consumption, overpopulation, Paul Erlich
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