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- The only congressional hearing on Peak Oil was in 2005
- Tom Murphy Stubborn Expectations (on population)
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- Can Geothermal power replace declining fossil fuels?
- Telling others about peak oil and limits to growth
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Tag Archives: population
Tom Murphy Stubborn Expectations (on population)
U.N.Total fertility rate projections Preface. Tom Murphy has one of the best blogs on limits to growth, peak everything and more from the point of view of math and physics called Do The Math. Tom Murphy is a professor emeritus … Continue reading
Posted in Overpopulation, Scientists
Tagged collapse, fertility, limits to growth, population
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Telling others about peak oil and limits to growth
Preface. Obviously the planet is finite. We’re using many times more oil than we’re discovering, and therefore at some point global oil production will peak and decline. In fact, global conventional and unconventional oil production peaked in 2018 and conventional … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Limits To Growth, Peak Oil
Tagged denial, limits to growth, peak oil, population, telling others
Climate Change crisis caused by Population growth – duh
Preface. Duh! Alice Friedemann Author of Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy; When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, Barriers to Making Algal Biofuels, & “Crunch! Whole Grain Artisan Chips and Crackers”. … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, David Korowicz, Overpopulation, Population
Tagged climate change, growth, population
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Mental Health. Coping with the future: notes from Jackson & Jensen’s “An Inconvenient Apocalypse”
Preface. Because I’d been reading non-fiction since college across every section in bookstores for decades before I stumbled on Peak oil in 2000 (full story in about), I understood the horror and tragedy of energy decline and was depressed for … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Health What to do
Tagged denial, ecology, hope, jackson, jensen, optimism, population, rees
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Rex Weyler: Why is the political process so slow to respond to our ecological crisis?
Preface. Rex Weyler is one of the co-founders of Greenpeace in Canada, a brilliant ecologist and journalist, and more. His blog is here: *** Rex Wyler. September 2021. Ecological crisis: Might as well speak the truth Why is the … Continue reading
Youngquist: Geodestinies Population
Preface. Youngquist emphasized overpopulation in everything he wrote, since this is the root of all our problems — pollution, climate change, soil erosion, fresh water depletion, extinction, biodiversity loss — can you think of a single problem that wouldn’t be … Continue reading
Posted in Experts, Overpopulation, Walter Youngquist
Tagged Geodestinies, overpopulation, population, Youngquist
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Walter Youngquist: Geodestinies
Preface. I was fortunate enough to know Walter for 15 years. He became a friend and mentor, helping me learn to become a better science writer, and sending me material I might be interested in, and delightful pictures of him … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Books, Walter Youngquist
Tagged Geodestinies, oil, population, war, Youngquist
Energy Slaves: Every American has 200 to 8,000 or more
Preface. The range of 200 to 8,000 comes from the articles below. Perhaps even more. Former Navy Admiral Rickover wrote in 1957 that it takes at least 2,000 men to push an automobile along the road, a locomotive engineer controls … Continue reading
Posted in Energy Slaves
Tagged buckminster fuller, energy slave, muscle power, population, tad patzek, walter youngquist
Vanishing open spaces: population growth and sprawl in America
Preface. Before the fossil fuel age began, about 80 to 90% of people farmed to make a living. Since the end of the oil age will send us back to the past, farmland and farmers will once again comprise … Continue reading
Posted in Overpopulation, Peak Food, Soil
Tagged agriculture, peak food, population, sprawl