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Tag Archives: recycle
Most plastic isn’t recycled, burns in fires at recycling centers
Preface. Plastics are just one of 500,000 products made out of oil and gas, but very important to just about every aspect of society, from making vehicles lighter so go further using less energy, to clothes, food storage, bags, toothbrushes, … Continue reading
Far out #7: Ammonia power & recycle wind turbines by eating them
Preface. This optimistic article is honest enough to say that the new process of not emitting NOx when using ammonia for energy is a long way from commercial viability, and has myriad hurdles. This is not the most promising way … Continue reading
Posted in Far Out, Hydrogen, Natural Gas, Peak Platinum Group Elements, Recycle, Recycling
Tagged ammonia, fiberglass, hydrogen, natural gas, platinum group, recycle, Ruthenium, skeptic, wind turbine
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Lithium-ion battery recycling, environmental impact, energy used
Preface. The future of both electric vehicles and utility-scale energy storage are depending on lithium-ion batteries because of their high energy-density, and even though lithium is limited, it’s about the only kind of battery being made for transport (because it … Continue reading
Posted in Lithium-ion, Recycle, Recycling
Tagged battery, energy, environmental impact, LCA, recycle, toxicity
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