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Tag Archives: transportation
Corrosion eats $552 billion of infrastructure a year (6% of GDP)
Preface. United States infrastructure was built when the EROI of oil was very high and minerals and metals were cheap due to high ore concentrations. This study was done in 2002, since then, things have gotten much worse (see ASCE … Continue reading
Posted in Bridges, Oil & Gas, Rail, Transportation Infrastructure
Tagged corrosion, infrastructure, mining, nuclear waste, pipelines, transportation, utilities
Alternative fuels to replace transportation oil. U.S. House hearing 2012
House 112–159. July 10, 2012. The American energy initiative part 23: A focus on Alternative Fuels and vehicles. House of Representatives. [ Excerpts from this 210 page transcript follow ] MIKE BREEN, Vice President of the Truman National Security Project. … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, Natural Gas Vehicles, Transportation, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged alternative fuel, FFV, Flex-fuel, transportation
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Overview of the United States freight transportation system. House hearing 2013
House 113-13. April 24, 2013. Overview of the United States Freight Transportation System. House of Representatives. [ excerpts from the 193 page transcript of the house hearing ] Chairman Shuster and Ranking Member Rahall have designated this panel to … Continue reading
Posted in Transportation, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged freight, rail, ship, transportation, truck
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When Trucks Stop Running: Table of Contents, Preface, References
Alice Friedemann. 2016. When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Civilization. Springer. Available in print and eBook at Springer, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Table of Contents 1 When Trucks Stop Running, America Stops 2 Shipping Makes the … Continue reading
Posted in When Trucks Stop Running
Tagged peak oil, transportation, when trucks stop running
Congressional hearing on transportation – industry and agricultural perspectives
House 113-36. October 1, 2013. Perspectives from users of the nation’s freight system. U.S. House of Representatives. The United States manufacturing sector employs over 12 million people and contributes almost $2 trillion in goods and services to the Nation’s economy … Continue reading
Posted in Congressional Record U.S., Transportation
Tagged agriculture, industry, rail, transportation, truck
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How logistics facilitate an efficient freight transportation system 2013. U.S. House
[ It is alarming that at a time we are about to rollercoaster down the other side of Hubbert’s peak, continued growth is expected. Chairman Duncan states: “With our Nation’s population expected to exceed 400 million by 2050, freight volume … Continue reading
Posted in Railroads, Trucks, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged energy, logistics, rail, transportation, truck
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Geopolitics of Oil. United States Senate Hearing 110-6
Senate 110-6. January 10, 2007. Geopolitics of Oil. United States Senate Hearing. 90 pages. Excerpts: Senator Jeff Bingaman (New Mexico). The idea of this hearing is to try to look at the big picture, to begin the year with an … Continue reading
Posted in Transportation, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged cafe standards, energy crisis, peak oil, senate, transportation
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Just 16,000 catenary trucks (out of 5.6 million) would use 1% of California’s electricity generation
Preface. We must electrify trucks since fuel from oil, coal, and natural gas is finite, and biomass doesn’t scale up. Without transportation, electricity contraptions like wind turbines, solar facilities, and nuclear power plants can’t be built. A wind turbine, for … Continue reading
Posted in Electric & Hydrogen trucks impossible, Trucks: Electric
Tagged battery, BEV, catenary, CNG, drayage, electric truck, electricity, transportation, trucks
Natural Gas-to-Liquids (GTL) as a Drop-in Diesel fuel
[The reason GTL is a big deal is that it can substitute for diesel without having to modify a diesel engine to do so — therefore, it’s a “drop-in fuel” substitute. However, GTL isn’t likely to be the answer, since … Continue reading
Posted in GTL Gas-To-Liquids
Tagged diesel, drop-in fuel, Fischer-Tropsch, GTL, natural gas, transportation
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