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Tag Archives: travel
The freedom to travel enabled people to flee to better tribes
Preface. One of my favorite books was Bruce Chatwin’s “Songlines” about how aborigines were included by the Australian government in the building of a new railroad so that sacred sites could be avoided and they could add the rail line … Continue reading
Posted in Dawn of Everything
Tagged Australia, clans, dawn of everything, sign language, travel
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Booklist: Travel, Psychology, World history, Food, Anthropology, (Auto)biography, Cults, Religion
More booklists Travel & Science A Wulf. The Invention of Nature: The adventures of Alexander von Humboldt, the lost hero of science. R Conniff. The Species Seekers: Heroes, Fools, and the Mad Pursuit of Life on Earth R Sapolsky. A … Continue reading
Posted in Book List
Tagged anthropology, autobiography, biography, cults, energy, food, psychology, religion, travel, world history
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