The only congressional hearing on Peak Oil was in 2005

Preface. This U.S. House hearing happened 20 years ago, but it is still a good introduction to why oil is so important to society. At this hearing scientific experts spoke, warning that we will reach peak oil within decades (which does NOT mean running out of oil, but halfway through the supply and getting too late to adapt to a different future with less energy). This hearing was highly unusual since usually only corporations with vested interests speak to promote their energy schemes they stand to profit from with government subsidies and tax breaks.

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Tom Murphy Stubborn Expectations (on population)

U.N.Total fertility rate projections

Preface. Tom Murphy has one of the best blogs on limits to growth, peak everything and more from the point of view of math and physics called Do The Math. Tom Murphy is a professor emeritus of the departments of Physics and Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of California, San Diego.  Best of all, he has written a free online textbook that explains the limitations of all the renewable and alternative replacements for fossil fuels here. This beats anything I write because Tom uses proven scientific facts and equations to explain why these “solutions” are inadequate and will not work.

Tom Murphy. 2024. Stubborn Expectations.

The major development underpinning the prospect for an early-century peak in human population and even earlier peak in civilizational power is a rapid and seemingly unexpected decline in fertility rates across the world. All regions except Africa are now below the replacement rate, and still falling.

This short post—probably my last on the population topic for a while—is centered on the following animated GIF showing how the United Nations’ demographic models have expected total fertility rate (TFR) to evolve into the latter part of this century.

Every few years, the U.N. releases a demographic projection model that includes an expectation of how TFR will behave going forward.  I have already pointed out the glaring discontinuity (kink) at 2020 in the latest projection and a gallery of systematic major misses at the country level.  What the animated GIF above helps us see is how stubborn the imagined far future is—consistently aiming for a one-size-fits-all convergence.

I have referred to the notional TFR endpoint as a “magnet,” acting like a theoretical convergence point to which all regions are attracted.  We see how persistently influential this magnet is on projections in the sequence above.

Okay, so the target point does change a little bit—beginning around a TFR of 2.0 in the 2010 projections, and walking down to 1.7 by the latest projection.  So it is not utterly unresponsive to recent trends. But look at the persistent kinks in many of the curves at the moment the models take over.  The fact that all the regions (except Africa, after the 2010 projection) converge to the same tight spot speaks to a uniform, stabilized vision of the future that can be nothing but notional.  Such a development would be a break from the history of ever-changing TFRs.  It’s as if someone believes we’ll finally figure it all out and settle down for a long reign of stability.  What it really means is that extrapolation-based projections more than several decades out become highly suspect.

Falling Fertility Factors

First of all, I will register my dislike of the term “fertility” in the TFR metric.  It sounds purely biological, like an intrinsic capacity of baby-making humans.  Now, indeed some of the TFR decline may be of biological origin as sperm counts decline, endocrine disruptors abound, and microplastics are found everywhere we look.  But at least as much of the phenomenon may stem from the myriad reasons people elect not to have children.

The non-biological factors at play for deciding not to have children might include:

  • Too expensive (hard enough to tread water without kids)
  • Lack of stability (no steady career/job; gig economy; not settled in one place)
  • No house or expectation thereof (common practice is house first then family)
  • Messed up world (polarization, climate change, environmental harms)
  • Increases in non-traditional sexual and gender identities
  • Social disconnection in an increasingly virtual world
  • Disillusionment and bleak outlook (why perpetuate this terrible game?)
  • Resentment at being seen as baby-making machines by a greedy capitalist system
  • Do the opposite of whatever that gross Musk wants (and other pro-natalists)

These are not well-researched conjectures, and may be off base.  I’m sure you can think of more.  The point is, lots of factors are contributing, and these dynamics are not likely to turn around quickly—some likely to become even more pronounced.  Therefore, the sharp drops in TFR seem likely to continue for the next decade or so, and that may be all it takes to reach peak population and peak civilizational power in the next 10–20 years—just in time to make the Limits to Growth work look eerily prescient (see LtG plot from last week).  After that, demographic inertia will continue to exert an influence as reduced numbers mature to child-bearing age.

I would hope the reaction to this development is not to advocate policies to “restore” population growth.  That’s the last thing the planet needs, and stems from a misplaced allegiance to economic fantasies rather than to the community of life (the economy would fail anyway without a functioning ecosphere).  A natural population decline by the non-violent process of simply not bearing children would be a gift to humanity and to the earth that supports us.

Positive Feedback

We have no modern precedent for declining global human population, so cannot confidently predict what happens in such a scenario.  In the short term, I can imagine more positive feedback mechanisms that accelerate the plunge than corrective negative feedback mechanisms—as it won’t feel “safe” or ethical to bring children into a period of great uncertainty.

Firstly, the economic house of cards—essentially a Ponzi scheme predicated on unsustainable growth—will likely collapse.  Since we foolishly based most of modern life on this inherently shaky economic foundation, its implosion will be felt far and wide, potentially setting off violent conflict and famine as nations struggle to maintain their expected but unsustainable material and energy flows.  Even without this unfortunate development, how many of the factors itemized above would be reversed?  Many are only exacerbated, which could lead to a faster population decline.

My best guess is that whether the process is quick (famine, war) or moderate (demographic factors alone, let’s hope), the process will remain in a positive feedback condition until most of the unsupportable complexity has melted away.  At this point, the period of positive feedback might self-terminate as groups of people find themselves enjoying locally self-sufficient lifestyles that are ecologically stable and disconnected from the complexity that once bound modernity together in the same trap.

The New Era

Whatever happens after modernity necessarily self-terminates (one cannot choose or decide to continue a grossly unsustainable approach to life), it won’t be planned, and it probably won’t be monolithic.  Differing conditions, remnants, and cultural attitudes around the world will lead to different experiments in what to try next.  As with modernity, those practices that are not sustainable will eventually fail (possibly destroying sustainable groups along the way, as has happened plenty of times before).  Those that are able to find ecological balance (in right- or reciprocal-relationship with the community of life)—and are isolated from bad actors until those actors necessarily fail—stand a chance at longevity.  It’s not a choice, but a fact in the long term.  Only those modes of living that are sustainable in relation to the ecological whole can survive.

We who are alive today will not see the outcomes, but based on what I have learned from demographic trends, it seems more likely than I previously thought that we will see convincing evidence of its kick-off by mid-century.  Perhaps the best we can do now is in the spirit of acceptance, so that we might re-define what matters and thus what to prioritize during the transition.  Clinging to modernity would be a poor choice, doing more harm than good, in the end.

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NIMBY Hydrogen production

Preface.  Across America groups are opposing new hydrogen production, mainly funded by $8 billion of government hydrogen hub (H2Hubs) money.

The main reasons are a lack of transparency, pollution, and that most hydrogen would cause even more drilling since it will be blue hydrogen made out of natural gas with carbon capture and storage (CCUS).

CCUS requires so much water it could double the water footprint of humanity (Rosa 2021).

Water shortages are an issue at a proposed $2.5 billion-dollar electrolyzer facility near Corpus Christi and on Navajo nation land in Arizona, who also oppose a 200-mile pipeline that might rupture and explode (Keetso 2023, Kusnetz 2022, Robles 2024).

IRENA (2023) reports that 35% of future hydrogen production in the world planned by 2040 is in highly water-stressed regions.

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Can Geothermal power replace declining fossil fuels?

Preface. Today the electric grid stays up because of months of backup power from natural gas, coal, and uranium.  Most of all natural gas because it can quickly balance wind and solar as they suddenly appear or die out. Natural gas also provides peak power during the hottest and coldest times of the year, and ramps up as the sun goes down massively, since this happens before peak evening demand.  Geothermal power can’t provide this balance, it can only be used like coal and nuclear to provide steady baseload power.  Still, wind and solar need all the help they can get, especially in California where all of the best wind and solar sites have been built out.

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Telling others about peak oil and limits to growth

Preface. Obviously the planet is finite. We’re using many times more oil than we’re discovering, and therefore at some point global oil production will peak and decline.  In fact, global conventional and unconventional oil production peaked in 2018 and conventional in 2008.

Yet even now this reality is denied by most. This 2024 article from Scientific American has a good explanation of why: We’ve Hit Peak Denial. Here’s Why We Can’t Turn Away From Reality. We are living through a terrible time in humanity. Here’s why we tend to stick our heads in the sand and why we need to pull them out, fast.

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Why coal was only created once

Preface.  Coal only formed once on Earth over hundreds of millions of years because they had lignin and cellulose that microbes hadn’t yet evolved to consume. Eventually they did, and today termites, cows and other creatures are able to digest cellulose and lignin by outsourcing the job to microbes in their guts.  But it is still such a  complex process that scientists haven’t been able to copy it, which is why cellulosic ethanol is still not commercial and takes more energy and money to make than is returned.

Coal is still forming today, but will take tens if not hundreds of millions of years to form again, in far smaller amounts than in the Carboniferous period since it is forming from peat rather than hundreds of billions of trees.

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Failed Nations

Preface.  This is the Fund for Peace Fragile States Index. The “Download data in excel” column has years 2006 to 2023.

In 2007, there were 17 nations (of 179) more stable than the USA: Singapore Portugal Netherlands Japan Luxembourg Austria Belgium Canada Australia Denmark Iceland New Zealand Switzerland Ireland Sweden Finland Norway

In 2022, there were 39 nations (of 179) states more stable than the USA: Barbados Spain Italy Chile Latvia Israel Qatar Poland Costa Rica United Kingdom Czechia United Arab Emirates Lithuania Mauritius Estonia Slovakia Uruguay Malta South Korea Belgium Japan France Slovenia Portugal Singapore Austria Germany Australia Netherlands Sweden Ireland Canada Luxembourg Switzerland Denmark New Zealand Iceland Norway Finland

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We already have a date for the zenith of civilization: 2025-2026

We already have a date for the zenith of civilization. May 2024

[Preface. I have no idea who wrote this at but it rings true to me based on what I know. This is the google English translation of a post in Spanish. The rough peaking date for civilization is around 2025-2026 given: 1) peak oil soon, but still on a plateau until the Permian fracked oil peaks 2) same for peak copper in 2025-6 (essential for all renewable contraptions to replace oil, vehicles, batteries etc), and 3) at some point (date not specified here) the tremendous debt-supply bubble will burst. If the images from the article have vanished, go to the original article to see them ]

Defending the thesis of the zenith of civilization is complex, in the midst of a bubble of everything. Supporters of infinite growth often allude to improving quality of life, high-maximum bags, full bars and overflowing tourism, as an obvious justification for an opulent and growing society, at least in the West.

When a substantial change is predicted, due to the depletion of resources accompanied by virtually unpayable global debt (which is perpetuated with new debt issues to settle interest rates and finance the growing budget deficits), the first question arises immediately, on when this zenith will occur.

It is not enough to say that it is a process that takes place over tens of years, it is essential to advance a date, to “check” the reliability of the thesis.

So far, the date was more marked by the arrival of the peak oil in November 2018, but as we continue on a production plateau, around 82 million b/d, until that plateau becomes a significant decrease, we will not be able to take the beginning of the decline valid.

Since everyone has a plan, the zenith has always been questioned by human ingenuity. The rare skill of our species, which manages to find miraculous solutions to any glimpse of falling growth, has led to the creation of an alternative plan. The so-called energy transition will solve all our problems all of our problems at once. Not only will it solve climate change, but it will also send oil (and fossil fuels) to the “hell” from which they should never have left and will finally achieve, eliminate our total dependence on the viscous and black element.

But if society has grown for seventy years thanks to oil, the transition means total electrification, with copper as a vital element that intervenes in all sectors leading the energy transition. It is essential in the construction of network infrastructures, in the generation of wind and photovoltaic energy, in the implementation of electric mobility, in the extended application of a backup battery system and in general, in all processes in which electricity intervenes.

Exhausting vital resources.

So far we had a roadmap that marks the years 2025-2026, as the beginning of the decline in oil production in the American shale oil (responsible almost alone for the increase in oil production in the last decade). Conventional production peaked in 2005 and remained on a plateau until 2016-2017. The unconventional oil of shale oil, helped reach a new peak and since then, we are waiting for the descent for the unconventional, which will also mark the exit of the long plateau.

Again, this graphic is perfect for displaying both the conventional line (in red), and the sum of all oils (blue line). It can be seen as the arrival of the conventional peak, caused oil prices to enter a roller coaster, after decades of stability around $25/barrel.


It didn’t seem to matter much if oil production started to decline because we had the energy transition as a substitute. But this week the IEA (International Energy Agency) has “left” a report that warns in its base scenario (contains the projects under way plus those already approved – announced) that copper production will begin to decline in 2026, with a fundamental graph.


Therefore we have just closed the circle, putting the spotlight in 2026, when the two toughest forecasts coincide, to show the beginning of the decline in oil production and at the same time, the beginning of the fall in copper production.

Of course, some oil rationing and higher recycling of copper can prolong a few years, the expected shortage of both components, but we are already running against the clock. And let’s not fool ourselves, boost recycling or circular economy, they are patches to buy time, if the decline in production has begun. They do not serve to sustain alone a civilization with increasing demand for all kinds of materials. In any case, they can serve to maintain a much smaller civilization, but it would not be ours, at least with the current parameters.

Bubbles in the markets and excess debt.

At the same time as news of a possible start to the depletion of resources, market bubbles are on track. The Western stock exchange is at historic highs, eliminating once and for all the notion of risk of the equation they share with profitability. If the risk-return binomial once presided over market investment, the irresponsible action of the Central Banks, since the 2008 crisis, has led to the belief that the stock exchanges will never fall hard because the BC will not allow it, intervening quickly to avoid major evils. So, the bag only has one address (upwards, of course). At the same time as this bubble unfolds, we witness an explosion of debt (especially public), where states allow themselves to finance all kinds of payments, knowledgeable of the power of the BC printer.

We are facing unknown times, where the market rewards huge new debt issues, at lower rates (or the forecast of rates downwards). As one expert says, the current bond market is not understood.

Excess debt presides over major economies. The need to generate five dollars of debt for every dollar of GDP growth allows us to believe that the economy continues to grow naturally, when it is not. The outbreak of debt since the 2020 pandemic has been perfectly possible to mask growth that has not been such, but the result of an unpayable debt generation, which artificially drives rates. At the same time, the need to maintain growth (natural or artificial) at all costs leads to instability of the trust system, when the hellish spiral of debt issuance enters, as the only means to pay the debt contracted previously contracted. This vicious circle is the prelude to the destruction of the fiduciary system, when trust in the currency is lost due to the continuous use of the BC printer. The inflation we are enduring is only a reflection of the monetary devaluation due to the abuse of the permanent injection of money, and the difficulty of redirecting inflation figures is still a consequence of the exhaustion of the system, which can only resort to massive indebtedness, as a method of keeping GDP accounting growth intact.

AI, as a growth engine, has replaced the old with the new AI bubble. The Nasdaq shows a spectacular graphic as the movement’s technological representative.

Far away is the explosion in 2000, with a much larger current bubble and still growing.



Along with the debt-supply bubble, amplified by the global trust system and at the beginning of the resources depletion phase, the struggle for world hegemony has exploded, partly due to the previous two points, but above all at the end of the expansionary period dominated by the US, after the Second World War. The non-acceptance of a multipolar world, without clear “controller,” is causing multiple conflicts that can lead to a world (military) war. Of course, the trade war has long since broken out, but the formation of two antagonistic blocs (OECD and BRICS) can lead to a confrontation, perhaps prolongation and extension of the current conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East.

China has focused all its growth on the energy transition (wind-photovoltaic energy, battery manufacturing and electric mobility), basing much of its business on the export of goods related to the energy transition. The application of intimidating tariffs on all these companies-products and the possible extension of the tariff list to the European Union puts the Chinese economy against the ropes. It is a declaration of commercial “war” at all levels and leaves little resources to China to face it. The dynamics of imposing sanctions and their response lead to the fragmentation of world trade into two large blocs.

The replacement of the SWIFT system that controls all transactions in the world, with national or international digital system, can put an end to a system that has lasted more than fifty years, allowing full dominance of trade under the yoke of the dollar.

Another reason to interpret these movements as the top of civilization, as the partition of world trade into two incompatible blocs will reduce world trade and begin a phase of autonomous between blocs. Resources are in one block and technology in the other, but if they cannot be exchanged, the resulting relocation will also bring a loss of competitiveness and a decline in global trade, not to mention the not despicable possibility of war at all levels.


Therefore, all aspects that affect the zenith of civilization are present and are grouped around specific dates. 2025-2026, should mark the beginning of the end, with a slightly downward phase of plateau until 2030. In any case, I will continue to monitor events to mark the fine setting. Of course, we cannot forget that zenith remains a long process, so few differences will be observed in the fundamental data, for the immediately preceding and subsequent period (2020-2030) to the achievement of zenith. Remember that the fundamental characteristic that the zenith must represent is the decline and by inevitable association, the fall of the capitalist system in force in the West. We all know that this system is incompatible with decline, due to the trend of general deterioration in all economic areas, which are only designed to function in the midst of continuous growth.

Of course, the certification of the zenith can only be reflected very late. It is quite possible that we are only aware of this, after a few years, so the debate will not be definitively closed, until it is completely evident to all, the significant decline in economic activity in the first world.

Basic references to monitor how indicators will be the explosion of bubbles (bag-debt), the obvious fall in oil and copper production, or the beginning of a world war, accompanied by rationing and multiple prohibitions.

I say goodbye with a few words from Tim Morgan, who summed up the situation described in the post, in a couple of sentences.

“The big tacit fact of the 2020s is that the global economy is in the process of moving from growth to contraction and, once again, it is a process that no one can stop, let alone reverse it.”

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Escape to Mars after we’ve trashed the Earth?

find-another-planet-climate-changeThe idea that we can go to Mars is touted by NASA, Elon Musk, and so many others that this dream seems just around the corner.  If we destroy our planet with climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, soil erosion, aquifer depletion and more, no problem!  We can go to Mars.  Or float around in space on hoverchairs like in the movie Wall-E, where people have escaped to outer space after Earth became a giant garbage dump from rampant consumerism, corporate greed, and environmental disasters.

Though with world peak crude oil production in 2018, there may not be enough fuel to get there. Or need to go there. As Ugo Bardi pointed out in his book Extracted: How the Quest for Mineral Wealth Is Plundering the Planet we already have gone to another planet by exploiting Earth so ruthlessly:

“The planet has been plundered to the utmost limit, and what we will be left with are only the ashes of a gigantic fire. We are leaving to our descendants a heavy legacy in terms of radioactive waste, heavy metals dispersed all over the planet, and greenhouse gases—mainly CO2—accumulated in the atmosphere and absorbed in the oceans. It appears that we found a way to travel to another planet without the need for building spaceships.  It is not obvious that we’ll like the place, but there is no way back; we’ll have to adapt to the new conditions. It will not be easy, and we can speculate that it will lead to the collapse of the structure we call civilization, or even the extinction of the human species”.

Anyone on Mars surface will get doses of radiation 900 times higher than on Earth (Viúdez-Moreiras 2021). I don’t know about you, but I doubt I could carry a 3-foot thick lead umbrella around for long. Though in science fiction, radiation often sparks the mutations that turn people into superheroes and it wouldn’t surprise me to hear that people actually believe that. After all, 26% of Americans believe the sun revolves around the Earth and less than half that human beings, evolved from earlier species of animals (NSF 2015)

In the news:

2024: Space flight can permanently damage the kidneys of astronauts by galactic radiation that can’t be protected by shielding. Siew K (2024) Cosmic kidney disease. Nature communications.

Scoles S (2023) Mars Needs Insects. New York Times: To stay for an extended time on the surface of Mars, astronauts won’t be able to rely on their space pantries. They’ll need Martian gardens that need a little help from insects. Black soldier fly larvae could consume astronauts’ organic waste and process it into frass, which could be used as fertilizer to coax plants out of alien soil. Humans could eat the plants, and even food made from the larvae, producing more waste for the cycle to continue.

2020 Dust storms on Mars propel water’s escape to space. Science 370: 6518.  Churning dust storms may pump water into space, making Mars dry. Another escape comes from the Sun’s ultraviolet light, which splits small amounts of water near the surface into hydrogen and oxygen — both ligher than the planet’s mostly carbon dioxide are — to the top of the atmosphere where they’re lost to space. The dust itself likely drags water with it as it swirls into the upper atmosphere. Researchers say that what we’re seeing now could be the end of a “planetary death spiral.”

Alice Friedemann  Author of Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy; When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, Barriers to Making Algal Biofuels, & “Crunch! Whole Grain Artisan Chips and Crackers”.  Women in ecology  Podcasts: WGBH, Financial Sense, Jore, Planet: Critical, Crazy Town, Collapse Chronicles, Derrick Jensen, Practical Prepping, Kunstler 253 &278, Peak Prosperity,  Index of best energyskeptic posts


Go to Mars?  Really?  Been there, done that on Earth, and it didn’t work out: Biosphere 2

Remember the $250 million 3.14 acre sealed Biosphere 2 complex near Tucson, Arizona?  It was built to show how colonists could survive on Mars and other space colonization but they only made it for 2 years ON EARTH.

Eight people sealed themselves inside in 1991, planning to live on the food they grew, recycled water, and the oxygen made by plants.

Some of the reasons the Biosphere failed are:

  • Oxygen fell from 20.9% to 14.5%, the equivalent of 13,400 feet elevation and after 18 months oxygen was pumped in
  • Carbon dioxide levels fluctuated wildly
  • Pests ran riot, especially crazy ants, cockroaches, and katydids. Nematodes and broad mites attacked the crops. Most of the other insect species went extinct.
  • Not enough food could be grown
  • It cost $600,000 a year to keep it cool
  • Extinction: The projected started out with 25 small vertebrates but only 6 species survived
  • Species included to pollinate plants such as hummingbirds and honey bees died
  • Water systems were polluted with too many nutrients
  • Morning glories smothered other plants
  • The weather was so cloudy the first few months that crops barely grew, leading to the Biospherians breaking into a 3-month supply of food that had been secretly hidden
  • The level of dinitrogen oxide became dangerously high, which can cause brain damage due to a lowered ability to synthesize vitamin B12

Astronauts will be damaged in space

We can’t go to Mars. Cosmic radiation in space is too harmful, bombarding  humans with the densely ionizing radiation found in space.  Mice who’ve been through this get dementia, suffer significant long-term brain damage, have cognitive impairments, lose memory and learning ability, critical decision making and problem solving skills, neuronal damage, and other cognitive defects (Parihar 2015, 2016).  Moon-walking humans are blasted with 200 times the radiation on Earth (Fox 2020).

Other studies have shown studies have shown the health risks from galactic cosmic ray exposure to astronauts include cancer, central nervous system effects, cataracts, circulatory diseases and acute radiation syndromes.

A recent study has shown that the risk of cancer is actually twice as high as what previous models had estimated for a Mars mission.  And cosmic radiation could not only damage gastrointestinal tissue, but increase the risk of tumors in the stomach and colon (Kumar 2018).

On top of that, going to space deforms brain tissue, perhaps permanently (Daley 2018).  Many astronauts have vision problems for years after returning from space from increased brain volume of 2% on average, perhaps because of pressure on the optic nerve (Kramer 2020).

The Biology of Spaceflight collection of 30 studies published in the journals Cell, Cell Reports, Cell Systems, Patterns and iScience lists the following risks for deep space missions: DNA damage, oxidative stress, alterations of telomere length, shifts in the microbiome, mitochondrial dysfunction and gene regulation. These changes on a cellular and molecular level can have a significant impact on astronaut health, both during and after their missions on the cardiovascular, central nervous, musculoskeletal, immune and gastrointestinal systems, as well as changes in vision. Increased cancer risks are also associated with these changes and blood cells with mutations spread more quickly than others, a potential risk for cardiovascular disease, lymphoma and leukemia. So far, missions to the space station have not exceeded a year, but deep space missions to Mars could last up to five years (Strickland 2020).

Terraforming Mars to be like Earth (Carson 2020, Steigerwald 2018)

Terraforming is the concept of making a planet more hospitable to humans, and it’s been cropping up in pop culture since the early 1900s.

The planet, about 70% the size of Earth, has an atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide and boasts an average temperature of -81 degrees Fahrenheit (-62 degrees Celsius). Because the atmospheric pressure is less than 1% of Earth’s (0.6%), there’s not much shielding from radiation. At best vaporizing the ice caps would increase CO2 enough to a pressure of 1.2% of Earth’s.  Heating soil would add another 4%, I’d like to see the size and energy consumption of that contraption.  And then even larger strip mining machines could try to squeeze CO2 out of the rocks below, for another 5%.

Mars does not retain enough carbon dioxide that could practically be put back into the atmosphere to warm Mars, according to a new NASA-sponsored study.   At best if all water vapor and carbon dioxide on Mars were exploited the pressure would only increase to 7% of Earth’s.  Nor is much of the CO2 or water accessible.

Mars atmosphere is too think and cold to support liquid water, which is essential for life. If energy were used to melt ice it would quickly evaporate or freeze.

Other cockamamie ideas require building giant orbital mirrors to reflect sunlight to raise the temperature of Mars, melt the frozen water to release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, build factories to pump out artificial greenhouse gases like fluorocarbon gases, or harness tens of thousands of ammonia-rich asteroids, aligning them to hit Mars.

Better yet do what SpaceX founder Elon Musk advises: Nuke Mars. He insists that chucking nuclear bombs at the ice caps could melt the ice and put sufficient carbon dioxide into the air.

It turns out humans can’t do any of this.  Terraforming is way beyond the scale of any engineering we’ve ever attempted as humans.

Missions to mars can’t possibly carry enough food so astronauts will need to grow their own.  So far soil similar to what is on Mars is unable to grow plants, probably because the soil on Earth is full of microbes and other organic matter that helps plants grow, while Mars dirt is basically crushed rock. It will take a lot of effort to transform that material into something that plants can grow in.  Plus 2% of the Martian surface is calcium perchlorate, a toxic salt that keeps plants from growing (Temming 2020).

Dvorsky, G. 2019. Humans will never colonize Mars.

The Red Planet is a cold, dead place, with an atmosphere about 100 times thinner than Earth’s. The paltry amount of air that does exist on Mars is primarily composed of noxious carbon dioxide, which does little to protect the surface from the Sun’s harmful rays. Air pressure on Mars is very low; at 600 Pascals, it’s only about 0.6 percent that of Earth. You might as well be exposed to the vacuum of space, resulting in a severe form of the bends—including ruptured lungs, dangerously swollen skin and body tissue, and ultimately death. The thin atmosphere also means that heat cannot be retained at the surface. The average temperature on Mars is -81 degrees Fahrenheit (-63 degrees Celsius), with temperatures dropping as low as -195 degrees F (-126 degrees C). By contrast, the coldest temperature ever recorded on Earth was at Vostok Station in Antarctica, at -128 degrees F (-89 degrees C) on June 23, 1982. Once temperatures get below the -40 degrees F/C mark, people who aren’t properly dressed for the occasion can expect hypothermia to set in within about five to seven minutes.

Gravity on the Red Planet is 0.375 that of Earth’s, which means a 180-pound person on Earth would weigh a scant 68 pounds on Mars. While that might sound appealing, this low-gravity environment would likely wreak havoc to human health in the long term, and possibly have negative impacts on human fertility.

When it comes to terraforming Mars, there’s also the logistics to consider, and the materials available to the geoengineers who would dare to embark upon such a multi-generational project. In their 2018 Nature paper, Bruce Jakosky and Christopher Edwards from the University of Colorado, Boulder sought to understand how much carbon dioxide would be needed to increase the air pressure on Mars to the point where humans could work on the surface without having to wear pressure suits, and to increase temperature such that liquid water could exist and persist on the surface. Jakosky and Edwards concluded that there’s not nearly enough CO2 on Mars required for terraforming, and that future geoengineers would have to somehow import the required gases to do so.

A recent Nature study showed that radiation on Mars is far worse than we thought. Depending on the degree of exposure, excessive radiation can result in skin burns, radiation sickness, cancer, and cardiovascular disease.

Life in a Martian colony would be miserable, with people forced to live in artificially lit underground bases, or in thickly protected surface stations with severely minimized access to the outdoors. Life in this closed environment, with limited access to the surface, could result in other health issues related to exclusive indoor living, such as depression, boredom from lack of stimulus, an inability to concentrate, poor eyesight, and high blood pressure—not to mention a complete disconnect from nature. And like the International Space Station, Martian habitats will likely be a microbial desert, hosting only a tiny sample of the bacteria needed to maintain a healthy human microbiome.

We assume humans could reproduce on Mars, but that’s an open question. Casting aside the deleterious effects of radiation on the developing fetus, there’s the issue of conception to consider in the context of living in a minimal gravity environment. We don’t know how sperm and egg will act on Mars, or how the first critical stages of conception will occur. And most of all, we don’t know how low gravity will affect the mother and fetus. The developing fetus, she said, is likely to sit higher up in the womb owing to the lower gravity, which will press upon the mother’s diaphragm, making it hard for the mother to breathe. The low gravity may also “confuse” the gestational process, delaying or interfering with critical phases of the fetus’ development, such as the fetus dropping by week 39. On Earth, bones, muscles, the circulatory system, and other aspects of human physiology develop by working against gravity.

The toxins in the soil will kill humans, plants, and bacteria

If there’s any life on Mars, it’s deep down because there are three toxins in the soil inimical to life — perchlorates, iron oxides, and hydrogen peroxide. The high levels of perchlorate found on Mars would be toxic to humans and almost certainly breathed in as very fine dust particles entered space suits or habitats.  Plants would be poisoned too, and even if a way were found to get these toxins out of the soil it wouldn’t matter, there are no nutrients in the soil.


And that’s just the tip of the iceberg of problems with going to Mars which Mary Roach’s delightful and hilarious book explains in “Packing for Mars“.

Rocket propulsion depends on fossil fuels, yet here we are at the cusp of the end of the oil age.  In a hundred years, they’ll be gone and we won’t be able to get to Mars or the Moon.

If only people appreciated how marvelous our planet is, and what a shame it would be if we destroyed our species, we may be the only intelligent, conscious life in the universe  (see Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe).

Poetry says it best: “This Splendid Speck” by Paul Boswell

There are no peacocks on Venus,
No oak trees or water lilies on Jupiter,
No squirrels or whales or figs on Mercury,
No anchovies on the moon;
And inside the rings of Saturn
There is no species that makes poems
and Intercontinental missiles.

Eight wasted planets,
Several dozen wasted moons.
In all the Sun’s half-lighted entourage
One unbelievable blue and white exception,

This breeding, feeding, bleeding,
Cloud-peekaboo Earth,
Is not dead as a diamond.

This splendid speck,
This DNA experiment station,
Where life seems, somehow,
To have designed or assembled itself;
Where Chance and Choice
Play at survival and extinction;
Where molecules beget molecules,
And mistakes in the begetting
May be inconsequential,
Or lethal or lucky;

Where life everywhere eats live
And reproduction usually outpaces cannibalism;
This bloody paradise
Where, under the Northern lights,
Sitting choirs of white wolves
Howl across the firmament
Their chill Te Deums.

Where, in lower latitudes, matter more articulate
Gets a chance at consciousness
And invents The Messiah, or The Marseillaise,
The Ride of the Valkyries, or The Rhapsody in Blue.

This great blue pilgrim gyroscope,
Warmer than Mars, cooler than Venus,
Old turner of temperate nights and days,
This best of all reachable worlds,
This splendid speck.

For more information see the 2013 NewScientist article “Biosphere 2: saving the world within the world” and Wiki.


Carson, E. 2020. Terraforming Mars might be impossible… for now Making Mars more Earth-like would be a gargantuan task.

Cucinotta, F., A., et al. 2017. Non-Targeted Effects Models Predict Significantly Higher Mars Mission Cancer Risk than Targeted Effects Models. Scientific Reports.

Daley, J. October 26, 2018. Hanging Out in Space Deforms Brain Tissue, New Cosmonaut Study Suggests. While gray matter shrinks, cerebrospinal fluid increases. What’s more: These changes do not completely resolve once back on Earth.

Fox A (2020) Moonwalking Humans Get Blasted With 200 Times the Radiation Experienced on Earth. Smithsonian.

Kramer, L.A., et al. 2020. Intracranial effects of microgravity: A prospective longitudinal MRI study. Neuroradiology.

Kumar, S. et al., 2018. Space radiation triggers persistent stress response, increases senescent signaling, and decreases cell migration in mouse intestine. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

NSF (2015) Belief in the Paranormal or pseudoscience. Science and technology: public attitudes and public understand. National Science Foundation.

Parihar, V. K. 2015. What happens to your brain on the way to Mars. Science advances.

Parihar, V. K., et al. 2016. Cosmic radiation exposure and persistent cognitive dysfunction. Scientific Reports.

Steigerwald, B., et al. 2018. Mars terraforming not possible using present-day technology.  NASA.

Strickland A (2020) Astronauts experience these key changes in space that could impact their health, new research shows. CNN.

Temming M (2020) Farming on Mars will be a lot harder than ‘The Martian’ made it seem. The Washington Post.

Viúdez-Moreiras D (2021) The ultraviolet radiation environment and shielding in pit craters and cave skylights on Mars.  Icarus 370.


Posted in Climate Change, Extinction, Far Out, Hopium, Human Nature, Planetary Boundaries, Where to Be or Not to Be | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Spermageddon: Sperm is declining around the world

The rate sperm concentration is falling globally from samples collected from 1972 to 2000 (orange) and since 2000 (red) Source: Davies 2022

Preface. I’ve been seeing this issue in science news for years now. Scientific data has accumulated long enough to be sure that this is definitely something to worry about as the excellent article below explains. And it’s not only happening in humans, but dogs and other species too.

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