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Author Archives: energyskeptic
The pillaging of Native American coal, water, uranium and more
Preface. This is a book review of: “Unreal City: Las Vegas, Black Mesa, and the Fate of the West” by Judith Nies. This book is about how stealing the resources of native Americans lands was made legal, despite enormous Native … Continue reading
Posted in An Index of Best Energyskeptic Posts, Biodiversity Loss, Coal, Energy Books, Energy Infrastructure, Global Warming, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Mass migrations, Peak Resources, Pumped Hydro Storage (PHS), U.S. Congress Energy Policy, Water Pollution
Tagged aquifer, Black Mesa, coal, electricity, Hopi, Las Vegas, Native Americans, Navajo
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Self-driving cars in San Francisco cause accidents, congestion, and more
Cruise robotaxi crashes into firetruck in San Francisco Two companies operate self driving taxis in San Francisco: Waymo and Cruise. Over 92 problems were reported in 2023, which led to Cruise being suspended, in part due to footage of a … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Mass Transit
Tagged automated vehicles, mass transit, self-driving cars
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“Star Wars” missile defense won’t stop incoming nukes
Preface. In a recent Russian attack, Ukrainian air defenders intercepted less than half of the kamikaze drones, ballistic and cruise missiles launched (Korshak 2024). So it seems that Reagan’s impossible “Star Wars” missile defense system worked out after all. Well, … Continue reading
Posted in Nuclear War
Tagged GMD, military, missile defense, nuclear attack, nuclear war, star wars
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Lab-grown meat is energy intensive – and up to 25 times worse for the climate than beef
Preface. Meat production from animals uses a great deal of energy to produce, distribute, and refrigerate. Crops must be grown that erode soil and drain aquifers. Unfortunately, lab grown meat uses even more energy and also requires crops to extract … Continue reading
Posted in CO2 and Methane, Food production, Peak Food
Tagged agriculture, climate change, food, lab-grown meat
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The Biblical Revelations, critical thinking, and how this affects us today
Preface. This is a book review of Ehrman’s 2023 Armageddon: What the Bible Really Says about the End. Ehrman is a very devout biblical scholar who explains brilliantly what Revelations and other verses in the bible mean within their … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking, Religion
Tagged bible, critical thinking. religion, Rapture, Revelations
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Why the U.S. is ignoring nuclear winter in nuclear policies & strategies
Preface. It is very hard to find anything on the U.S. military or governments awareness of nuclear winter. So far the only other information I’ve found on this is from 2023 Risk Analysis methods for nuclear war & nuclear terrorism. … Continue reading
Posted in Nuclear War, Nuclear Winter
Tagged nuclear winter, Russia, united states
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Oil choke points vulnerable to war, chaos, terrorism, accidents, & piracy
Source: Ballout, D. 2013. Choke Points: Our energy access points. Oil Change. Preface. Below are several articles I’ve collected since 2005 on oil chokepoints. If oil tanker traffic were stopped on one or more, much of the world would plunge … Continue reading
Posted in Chokepoints, Oil & Gas, Oil Shocks, Threats to oil supply
Tagged abqaiq, chokepoint, Ras Tanura, strait
Nuclear weapons must be reduced or we risk nuclear winter
Geoscientists Can Help Reduce the Threat of Nuclear Weapons Preface. The United States has embarked on a wide-ranging nuclear modernization program that will ultimately see every nuclear delivery system replaced with newer versions over the coming decades. The total cost … Continue reading
Posted in Nuclear Winter
Tagged arms reduction, nuclear winter
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Fusion is already running out of fuel
Source: Khan A (2021) Nuclear fusion: building a star on Earth is hard, which is why we need better materials. The Conversation. Preface. Of all the hundreds of obstacles fusion has yet to overcome, its death knell could be as … Continue reading
Peak diesel is near. We are running out of time
Preface. When I first published this post in February of 2022, I said that peak world oil production might have peaked in November 2018, but it takes 5 years in the rear-view mirror to call it. So while it did … Continue reading