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Category Archives: 2) Collapse
Opposition to mining will prevent a green transition to renewables
Source: Bare (2012) Environmentalists win review of two more plants near Rosemont copper mine. Arizona Capitol times. I could overwhelm you with world-wide trillions of tons of mining waste and how China has rendered 20% of its farmland too toxic … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, An Index of Best Energyskeptic Posts, Energy Supply Chain, Mining, Peak Copper
Tagged copper, mining, renewables, supply chain
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Cybersecurity supply chain deep dive assessment U.S. Department of Energy
Preface. I’ve been reading about cyber threats since 2007, and a problem still true today is that the government can do nothing except a few puny regulations here and there for the most part, since critical infrastructure like energy and … Continue reading
Posted in CyberAttacks, Energy Supply Chain
Tagged cyberattack, department of energy, energy, supply chain
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Infrastructure interdependencies: an attack on one is an attack on all
An Attack on Energy Infrastructure would affect all other Infrastructure I should consolidate my many posts on cyber attacks, EMPs, and other ways the electric grid could come down, but our dependencies are just so widespread that I don’t want … Continue reading
Posted in CyberAttacks, Infrastructure & Collapse, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Interdependencies, Natural Gas, Oil
Tagged cyberattack, EMP, energy, infrastructure, interdependencies
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Skyscrapers: A bad idea as energy declines
Preface. One reason Paris is such a lovely city is that it was built to human scale, with buildings of five stories or less, because that was about as high as people were willing to climb, so not surprisingly, rents … Continue reading
Posted in Blackouts, Blackouts Electric Grid, Concrete, Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Infrastructure & Collapse, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, North Korea
Tagged concrete, electric grid, elevator, high-rise, North Korea, peak oil, skyscraper
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Book review of Turchin’s “Secular Cycles” and “War & Peace & War”
Preface. This is a book review of both “Secular Cycles” and “War & Peace & War”. I recommend reading “War & Peace & War” first, then the more difficult “Secular Cycles”. Turchin has found patterns in the rise and fall … Continue reading
Posted in 2) Collapse, Overpopulation, Peter Turchin, Predictions, Social Disorder, Stages of, War Books
Tagged collapse, crisis phase, decline and fall, secular cycles, Turchin, violence, war
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Prime movers of human evolution
Preface. The human brain and culture evolved at an astonishing rate, making scientists wonder what conditions and ecological pressures drove it, why we became homo sapiens so quickly. This is a post that will grow over time as I find … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Evolution, Human Nature
Tagged agriculture, ashkenazi jews, bipedal, brain size, evolution, homo sapiens, human, neanderthal, prime mover
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California Governor Newsom goes furthest to soften collapse of any U.S. state
Preface. In September 2022, Governor Gavin Newsom passed 12 bills making abortion easier to obtain, and invites women from states where abortion is forbidden to come here.
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Overpopulation, Population
Tagged abortion, feminism, overpopulation, overshoot, women, women's rights
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