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Category Archives: 2) Collapse
Jellyfish in the news
Preface. As we overfish, eutrophy and acidify the ocean with fertilizer and pesticides we risk a tipping point where jellyfish dominate the oceans and fish are scarce. Related: Why and how Jellyfish are taking over the world Alice Friedemann … Continue reading
Posted in BioInvasion, Extinction, Jellyfish
Tagged Bioinvasion, jellyfish, slime
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QAnon and Witchcraft. Hard to tell them apart
Preface. I just read Schiff’s book “The Witches: Salem, 1692”. As I read it, I kept thinking that these Christian witch killers weren’t much different from QAnon believers, who are also mostly Christians (evangelists). I’m not the first to think … Continue reading
Posted in Critical Thinking
Tagged critical thinking, QAnon, superstition, witchcraft
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Book review of “Halfway Home”. What happens after jail
Preface. This book is about what happens to released prisoners. Many of the homeless you see on the street were prisoners who are on the street because landlords won’t rent to them, and their family won’t let them move in … Continue reading
Posted in Crime, Gangs, Corrupt police, Private security, Drug wars and the prison system
Tagged corruption, drugs, jail, prison system
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Insect & other BioInvasions
Preface. Invasive insects that have no predators in the U.S. can only be somewhat reduced with oil-based products that will grow scarcer as petroleum declines. Pesticides are made out of oil and damage the environment for many generations to come. … Continue reading
Posted in 2) Collapse, BioInvasion
Tagged ant, ash borer, beetle, Bioinvasion, deforestation, fire ant, mosquitoes, mountain pine beetle, rats, small hive beetle
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Your life and the economy depend on biodiversity
Preface. We are trained in school, newspapers, and TV to view the world politically and economically. Not ecologically. The World Economic Forum article below is an excellent summary of why biodiversity is so important, as much as climate change, which … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Limits To Growth
Tagged biodiversity, ecology, ecosystems, limits to growth
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Why do leaders & the public deny peak oil & limits to growth?
Preface. It’s strange that we’re on the cusp of Peak Oil, and yet the only existential threat you ever hear about is Climate Change. The New York Times has mentioned climate change over 15,000 times the past 5 years, and … Continue reading
Solar panels in the Sahara could cause global warming
Preface. Adding tens of thousands of square miles of solar panels to replace fossil fuels could cause climate change and heat up the planet. Of course this is a fantasy, dust storms would scour the panels rendering them useless, with … Continue reading
Posted in Global Warming, Heat, Photovoltaic Solar
Tagged climate change, energy, global warming, solar PV
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Book Review “The Outlawed Ocean” by Ian Urbina
Note: Peak fish happened in 1996 at 130 million tonnes a year. Pauly D, Zeller D (2016) Catch reconstructions reveal that global marine fisheries catches are higher than reported and declining. Nature communications. Preface. This is a book review of … Continue reading
Posted in Fisheries, Fishery destruction, Natural History, Peak Food
Tagged fishery, peak fish, peak food, piracy, slavery
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Structurally Deficient Bridges
Preface. As I explained in my book “When Trucks Stop Running”, if diesel fuel ran out, civilization would end within a week as grocery shelves, pharmacies, gas stations, and all other businesses ran out of supplies. The millions of miles … Continue reading