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Category Archives: 1) Decline
Why world leaders are terrified of water shortages
Preface. The article blow shows how water crisis in Yemen and Syria led to civil war, mass migration, roadblocks by angry citizens, water riots, increased dengue fever as people hard water, and 1 million refugees fleeing to Europe. Egypt also … Continue reading
Posted in Caused by Scarce Resources, Drought & Collapse, Mass migrations, Middle East, Social Uprising, Starvation, Water
Tagged agriculture, conflict, mass migration, revolution, war, water
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Homer-Dixon predicts 20 to 30% chance of Trump causing financial crisis, war, civil violence, and authoritarianism over next 5 years
[ Homer-Dixon wrote an article over a year ago for the Toronto Globe and Mail titled “Crisis analysis, how much damage can Trump do? (A lot). How’d his prediction turn out? Within this article is a link showing 4 major … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Scientists, Social Disorder, War
Tagged authoritarianism, civil violence, financial crash, Trump, war
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U.S. Industrial farming destroys future food production for centuries
Preface. Below are excerpts from a devastating critique of current farming practices by the National research council who show the myriad ways that industrial farming is harming the land and future food production.
Blackouts in the news
Preface. Richard C Duncan proposed an “Olduvai Theory” that the current industrial civilization would have a maximum duration of 100 years from 1930 to 2030. A key indicator the End Was Near would be when partial and total blackouts began … Continue reading
Posted in Blackouts, Blackouts Electric Grid
Tagged blackout, Duncan, electric grid, middle east, Olduvai gorge, right wing, terrorism
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Richard Heinberg on why low oil prices do not mean there is plenty of oil, EROI, collapse
[ Yet another wise, thoughtful, and wide-ranging essay from my favorite writer of the many facets of a civilization about to decline as it is starved of the fossil fuels that feed it. Although the topics are quite varied, Heinberg … Continue reading
Posted in Oil, Peter Turchin, Richard Heinberg, Social Disorder
Tagged 100% renewable, collapse, EROI, oil, prices, richard heinberg, social instability, violence
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Preventing economic shock wave: Securing the port of Houston from a terrorist attack
[ An attack on (LNG) ships, oil tankers, or the Houston port facilities Houston would cause an oil shock, since a third of oil refining takes place there, and it’s … Continue reading
Posted in Disasters, Oil & Gas, Terrorism
Tagged financial collapse, terrorism oil shock
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Hurricanes will lower Gulf and East Coast carrying capacity
Preface. There are 2 articles here. The first is about the tremendous environmental damage that occurs after a hurricane. The second are excerpts from a National Academy of Sciences report discussing how New Orleans and much of the gulf and … Continue reading
Posted in Extreme Weather, Hurricanes, Sea Level Rise
Tagged climate change, disaster, hurricane
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Toxic algae slime spreading quickly across the earth
2017-8-19. Ocean Slime Spreading Quickly Across the Earth. Craig Welch, National Geographic. Toxic algae blooms, perhaps accelerated by ocean warming and other climate shifts, are spreading, poisoning marine life and people. When sea lions suffered seizures and birds and porpoises … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Fisheries, Oceans, Water Pollution
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Threats to America’s drinking and sewage treatment infrastructure
[ Here are a few of the points made in this 170 page document about improving the nation’s water system security (excerpts follow): There are many potential threats to water infrastructure, including terrorism, failure of aging infrastructure, flooding, hurricanes, earthquakes, … Continue reading
Posted in CyberAttacks, Disease, Terrorism, Water Infrastructure, Water Pollution
Tagged disease, infrastructure, terrorism, water
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U.S. Senate 2014 Freight rail service: improving the performance of America’s rail system
Preface. This Senate hearing is mainly full of oil and grain industry leaders bashing the rail industry and asking Senators to do something about it. But the railroad industry is four times more energy efficient than trucks, and not guilty … Continue reading