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Category Archives: 1) Decline
Trains Rock! Trucks suck: 4x less efficient. Shift freight from truck to rail
A proposed National System of Interstate and Defense RAILROADS, as an infrastructure project for the next fifty years by J. William Vigrass To the National Surface Transportation Policy and Revenue Study Commission, USDOT Bldg., L’Enfant Plaza, 400 7th St. N.W. … Continue reading
Posted in Railroads, Transportation What To Do
Tagged efficiency, energy, freight, rail, train, truck
Almost half of Rail Freight is Energy, increasingly Crude Oil
Source: American Association of Railroads. 46% of all tonnage hauled by freight trains is Energy: In 2014, crude oil will likely be 650,000 carloads — 2% of all carloads, 2.2% of tonnage. In addition 2.6% of rail tonnage was refined … Continue reading
Why You Should Love Trucks
source: Preface. Before the age of fossil fuels, getting food, water, and shelter was simple. Nine out of ten people were self-sufficient farmers. But now there are global 24/7 just-in-time supply chains that depend on trucks and other modes … Continue reading
Two-thirds of coal to power sector delivered by railroads
June 11, 2014 U.S. Energy Information Administration Railroad deliveries continue to provide the majority of coal shipments to the power sector Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-923, Power Plant Operations Report Note: Sum of components may not equal … Continue reading
Fuel economy improvements show diminishing returns in fuel savings
This means it’s unlikely we’ll turn over the vehicle fleet fast enough to make a difference in fuel consumption. Which wouldn’t have happened anyhow due to Jevon’s paradox. July 11, 2014 Fuel economy improvements show diminishing returns in fuel savings … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles
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Signs of Peakiness, oil companies are running out of cash
Andrew Nikiforuk, August 29, 2014. A big summer story you missed: Soaring oil debt. The Tyee. Over 100 of the world’s largest energy companies are running out of cash. Photo of Keystone pipeline in Nebraska by Shannon Ramos. Creative Commons … Continue reading
Posted in Debt, Energy Markets, Peak Oil
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Sandra Postel: Wildfires in the Western U.S. Threaten Drinking Water
Sandra Postel. May 1, 2014. Wildfires in the Western U.S. Are on the Rise, Posing Threats to Drinking Water When the Las Conchas Fire scorched some 151,000 acres of northern New Mexico in 2011, it wasn’t just the direct fire damage that … Continue reading
Posted in Wildfire
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