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Category Archives: 1) Decline
Biggest Waste of Wealth in All of history: America’s Interstate Highway system
A book review by Alice Friedemann of: Swift, Earl. 2012. The Big Roads: The Untold Story of the Engineers, Visionaries, and Trailblazers Who Created the American Superhighways. Related articles $46 Trillion Infrastructure in USA, $6 Trillion is Transportation Expressways & … Continue reading
Posted in Concrete, Infrastructure Books, Roads, Transportation, Transportation Infrastructure, Trucks
Tagged damage, highway, interstate, truck
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Expressways & Interstates are only designed to last for 20 years
Preface. I make the case that civilization would end in a week if trucks stopped running in my first book, and though I had in mind that they would be running low on diesel fuel on the downside of world … Continue reading
Posted in Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Roads, Trucks
Tagged energy efficiency, infrastructure, railroad, roads, train, truck
The end of insurance: Ports and Hurricanes, Storm Surges, & Rising Sea Levels
The world is about to be shaken by many storms besides cyclones and hurricanes — declining energy & natural resources and the social unrest generated by ever larger numbers of the 7+ billion people getting poorer and hungrier. Since … Continue reading
Posted in Hurricanes, Sea Level Rise
Tagged hurricane, sea level rise, storm surge
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Gail Tverberg on Inflation, Deflation, or Discontinuity?
Gail Tverberg. July 1, 2013. Inflation, Deflation, or Discontinuity? A question that seems to come up quite often is, “Are we going to have inflation or deflation?” People want to figure out how to invest. Because of this, they … Continue reading
Posted in Gail Tverberg, Inflation or Deflation
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External costs of coal: probably over $500 billion per year in USA
Paul R. Epstein, et al. 2011. Full cost accounting for the life cycle of coal in “Ecological Economics Reviews.” Robert Costanza, Karin Limburg & Ida Kubiszewski, Eds. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1219: 73–98. This paper tabulates a wide range of … Continue reading
Posted in Chemicals, CO2 and Methane, Coal, Hazardous Waste, Water Pollution
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Cash is King in a deflation — but there are dangers
Risk 1: Capital controls Restrictions on bank withdrawals (no ATM withdrawals, no bill payments, etc) Restrictions on money market fund redemptions Greater restrictions on retirement fund liquidations Fixing an official exchange rate and criminalizing market rate transactions Banning the conversion … Continue reading
Posted in Money
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Why Treasury Bills are likely to be safe for at least a few years
my comment: SHORT-TERM 4-week or 13-week treasury BILLS that is Apr 19, 2012 Ilargi at the Mauldin: unproductive government debt is killing us. So we either make some big, tough collective decisions, and make them soon; or we come … Continue reading
Posted in Investing advice, Money
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Inflation: defining and identifying it
Ilargy 2011 automatic earth The fact that there’s all that zombie money around (or zombie credit, to be precise) leads many to believe the US witnesses inflation. Not true. Inflation is not the same as rising prices. Prices can rise … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Inflation or Deflation, Money
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Drowning in digits: National, Unfunded Liabilities, State, and Derivative Debt
Just about everyone I know believes in the permanence of the Dollar, the Eternal Supremacy of the United States, and the propaganda to constantly grow their money by taking risks. So they dutifully feed hard-earned wages into the voracious slot … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Debt, Money, No Reforms, Ponzi Schemes
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How Money is Created: 3 articles
Also see: Money as Debt (45 minute video) Can Banks Create Money out of Nothing? – Richard Werner Money Creation in the Modern Economy –Bank of England David Graeber. March 18, 2014. The Truth Is Out: Money Is Just An IOU, … Continue reading