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Category Archives: Smart Grid
Wanted: Math geniuses and power engineers to make a renewable grid possible
Figure 1. OPF solution of original seven-bus system with generator at bus 4 Preface. The U.S. electric grid produced 64% of electricity in 2019 with finite fossil fuels, and another 20% from nuclear power. Since fossil fuels and uranium are … Continue reading
Posted in Electric Grid & Fast Collapse, Grid instability, Renewable Integration, Smart Grid
Tagged electric grid, electricity, math, renewable integration, solar, stability, wind
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Smart Grid Challenges
Wald, M. L. December 5, 2014. Power Savings of Smart Meters Prove Slow to Materialize. New York Times. Meter readers were supposed to be phased out by tens of millions of new “smart” meters that talk directly to the electric … Continue reading
Posted in Smart Grid
Tagged balance, demand, off-peak, smart grid, smart meter
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