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Category Archives: Energy
Minerals: Natural gas from Ugo Bardi’s “Extracted”
Preface. This is just a small sampling of what Bardi thinks might happen post fossil fuels, mostly shortened and reworded. Here are 7 other posts from this great book: Mining: Waste, Pollution, Destruction Ugo Bardi predictions of the future Minerals … Continue reading
Posted in EROEI Energy Returned on Energy Invested, Oil & Gas Fracked
Tagged EROEI, EROI, fracked gas, shale gas, shale oil, tight gas, tight oil
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Anyone who whines about airplanes should have to take the Oregon Trail
Source: Book cover of “Oregon Or Bust: True Short Stories from the Descendants of Oregon Trail Pioneers, Prospectors, Trappers, and Settlers in the Great Northwest Hardcover” by Gentry Ward Cutsforth (2012), XLibris. Preface. Also listen to the Louis CK rant … Continue reading
Posted in Airplanes, Lithium-ion, Transportation What To Do
Tagged airplane, battery, oregon trail, transportation
California hits the solar wall
[ What is a solar wall? Read part 1: California could hit the solar wall and then excerpts from the following article in the financial times, Britain’s Wall street journal. I’ve also reworded some of it. Renewables are rendering existing … Continue reading
America’s energy future. U.S. House hearing 2011
[ It’s always good to look back in time to when our representatives were worried about our dependency on oil. Apparently they were desperate, since the proposed H.R. 909 bill included Coal-To-Liquids (CTL), much of it for the military. I … Continue reading
Posted in Coal to Liquids (CTL), U.S. Congress Energy Dependence
Tagged coal-to-liquids, CTL
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The Peak Oil paradox revisited by Euan Mearns
Euan Mearns. July 16, 2016. The Peak Oil Paradox Revisited. Euan Mearns: Back in the mid-noughties the peak oil meme gained significant traction in part due to The Oil Drum blog where I played a prominent role. Sharply rising … Continue reading
Posted in How Much Left, Other Experts, Peak Oil
Tagged euan mearns, peak oil
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Art Berman: Oil Prices Lower Forever? Hard Times In A Failing Global Economy
Art Berman. July 15, 2016. Oil Prices Lower Forever? Hard Times In A Failing Global Economy. Forbes. A pumpjack sits on the outskirts of town at dawn in the Permian Basin oil field on January 21 in the oil town … Continue reading
M. King Hubbert and the future of peak oil by Kurt Cobb
Preface. M. King Hubbert predicted that if we were unable to replace fossil energy with water, nuclear and solar power, that we would go back to an agrarian existence (Hubbert MK (1949) Energy from Fossil Fuels. Science). That is how … Continue reading
Posted in How Much Left, Kurt Cobb, Peak Oil
Tagged Hubbert, peak oil
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How are energy storage batteries coming along? U.S. House hearing 2015
[ My favorite quotes from this U.S. House of Representatives session: THOMAS MASSIE, KENTUCKY. I want to say this has been a very enlightening hearing, and it confirms my personal experience, which is batteries are not sexy. Buckets of acid … Continue reading
Posted in Batteries, Energy Storage, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged battery, energy storage
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