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Category Archives: U.S. Congress Transportation
Will California’s high-speed rail go off the tracks?
Preface. In 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom said “there simply isn’t a path” for completing the project “from Sacramento to San Diego, let alone from San Francisco to L.A”, so instead he proposed building a 171-mile starter segment in the Central Valley … Continue reading
Challenges & opportunities for alternative transportation fuels and vehicles. U.S. House hearing, 2011
Preface. Congress is aware that an energy crisis looms, though they seldom acknowledge or deal with it. Here are a few excerpts from this U.S. House hearing (2011) The American energy initiative part 6: Challenges & opportunities for alternative transportation … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, U.S. Congress Energy Policy, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged biodiesel, biofuel, cellulose, energy crisis, energy dependence, natural gas
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U.S. Senate 2014 Freight rail service: improving the performance of America’s rail system
Preface. This Senate hearing is mainly full of oil and grain industry leaders bashing the rail industry and asking Senators to do something about it. But the railroad industry is four times more energy efficient than trucks, and not guilty … Continue reading
Overview of the renewable fuel standard, U.S. House hearing 2013
House 113-61. June 26, 2013. Overview of the renewable fuel standard: Government perspectives. House of Representatives. [Excerpts from the 104 page transcript follow] Key points: The implicit premise that cellulosic and other advanced biofuels would be available in significant quantities … Continue reading
Posted in Renewable fuel standard RFS, U.S. Congress Transportation
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Agricultural Transportation and Energy Issues. Senate hearing 2005.
Preface. What follows are excerpts from this hearing. Over and over senators warn of our dependence on oil. The question is: what are they doing about it? I’d guess given the crackdown on immigration that the government is aware of … Continue reading
Posted in Transportation, Trucks, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Transportation
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U.S. House looks at how to improve the nation’s highway freight network
[ Like all books and articles I read on transportation for my book, this session assumes endless growth and worries about future congestion, which will not be a problem on the other side of peak oil, which is coming soon. … Continue reading
Posted in Trucks, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged freight, transportation, trucks
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Climate change impacts on transportation 2008 U.S. Senate hearing
Senate 110-1199. June 24, 2008. Climate change impacts on the transportation sector. U.S. Senate Hearing. Excerpts from this 135 page document follow. DANIEL K. INOUYE, U.S. SENATOR FROM HAWAII The transportation sector is a major indicator of the overall economic … Continue reading
Posted in Climate Change, Transportation, Transportation Infrastructure, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged climate change, energy, transportation
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Alternative fuels to replace transportation oil. U.S. House hearing 2012
House 112–159. July 10, 2012. The American energy initiative part 23: A focus on Alternative Fuels and vehicles. House of Representatives. [ Excerpts from this 210 page transcript follow ] MIKE BREEN, Vice President of the Truman National Security Project. … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, Natural Gas Vehicles, Transportation, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged alternative fuel, FFV, Flex-fuel, transportation
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Overview of the United States freight transportation system. House hearing 2013
House 113-13. April 24, 2013. Overview of the United States Freight Transportation System. House of Representatives. [ excerpts from the 193 page transcript of the house hearing ] Chairman Shuster and Ranking Member Rahall have designated this panel to … Continue reading
Posted in Transportation, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged freight, rail, ship, transportation, truck
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USA rail policy: goals, objectives, and responsibilities. House hearing 2013
House 113-28. June 27, 2013. National rail policy: Examining goals, objectives, and responsibilities. House of Representatives. [ Excerpts of the 211 page transcript of the hearing follow ] Edward R. Hamberger, President and Chief Executive Officer, Association of American Railroads … Continue reading
Posted in Railroads, U.S. Congress Energy Policy, U.S. Congress Transportation
Tagged freight, house hearing, passenger, rail
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