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Category Archives: Predictions
We already have a date for the zenith of civilization: 2025-2026
We already have a date for the zenith of civilization. May 2024 [Preface. I have no idea who wrote this at but it rings true to me based on what I know. This is the google English translation of … Continue reading
Book review of Turchin’s “Secular Cycles” and “War & Peace & War”
Preface. This is a book review of both “Secular Cycles” and “War & Peace & War”. I recommend reading “War & Peace & War” first, then the more difficult “Secular Cycles”. Turchin has found patterns in the rise and fall … Continue reading
Posted in 2) Collapse, Overpopulation, Peter Turchin, Predictions, Social Disorder, Stages of, War Books
Tagged collapse, crisis phase, decline and fall, secular cycles, Turchin, violence, war
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USGS Groundwater Depletion study of aquifer decline in the U.S.
Preface. I summarize two major research papers on the state of the Ogallal below. It and many other aquifers are depleting rapidly, and polluted from pesticides, feedlot waste, intruding salts, and other pollution. Rainfall isn’t replenishing the Ogallala. Many won’t … Continue reading
Posted in Government study predictions, Groundwater, Peak Food, Peak Water
Tagged aquifer, california, depletion, groundwater, Ogallala, USGS
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Underestimating the Challenges of Avoiding a Ghastly Future
Preface. This is another “Scientists Warnings to Humanity” by many famous scientists, including Paul & Anne Erlich, John Harte, Peter Raven, and Mathis Wackernagel. Some of the challenges they point to are loss of biodiversity and consequent 6th mass extinction, … Continue reading
Posted in Scientists, Scientists Warnings to Humanity
Tagged biodiversity, overpopulation
How United Nations scientists are preparing for the end of capitalism
Preface. The article below was written by Nafeez Ahmed, who wrote one of my favorite books “Failing States, Collapsing Systems: BioPhysical Triggers of Political Violence“. Ahmed writes: “Most observers have no idea of the current biophysical realities – that the driving … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Organizations
Tagged biophysical economics, captialism, collapse, EROI, Nafeez Ahmed, United Nations
Homer-Dixon predicts 20 to 30% chance of Trump causing financial crisis, war, civil violence, and authoritarianism over next 5 years
[ Homer-Dixon wrote an article over a year ago for the Toronto Globe and Mail titled “Crisis analysis, how much damage can Trump do? (A lot). How’d his prediction turn out? Within this article is a link showing 4 major … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Scientists, Social Disorder, War
Tagged authoritarianism, civil violence, financial crash, Trump, war
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Summary of German Armed Forces Peak Oil Study
[This is a summary I first published in 2011. It’s important, so I’ve re-posted it today. According to Der Spiegel this study was leaked and not meant for publication. The document concludes that the public must be made aware of … Continue reading
Posted in Books, GOVERNMENT, Government study predictions, Military, Over Oil, Peak Oil, Peak Resources, War, War Books
Tagged and Technologies, Armed Forces, Capabilities, collapse, fast crash, german peak oil, in the 21st Century Environmental Dimensions of Security, market crash, peak oil, war
Limits to Growth? 2016 United Nations report provides best evidence yet
Preface. This is a summary of a United Nations report that ought to scare the pants off of anyone who understands exponential growth. Here are a few examples what that means: If 2 grams of gold grew at a 5% … Continue reading
Limits to Growth is on schedule. Collapse likely around 2020
[Unfortunately, this is not an April Fool’s joke… Other articles on Limits to Growth 2017-5-16 The Fallacy of Endless Economic Growth What economists around the world get wrong about the future Ugo Bardi. October 2015. Malthus the prophet of doom. … Continue reading
Posted in 2) Collapse, Limits To Growth, Scientists
Tagged collapse, limits to growth, peak everything
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