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Category Archives: 3) Fast Crash
Korowicz: A study of global system collapse
Preface. I’ve extracted about half of Korowicz’s paper, left out the references, math, charts, and tables, so you might want to read the original document yourself. This is a great explanation – one of the best – of the intertwined … Continue reading
Why world leaders are terrified of water shortages
Preface. The article blow shows how water crisis in Yemen and Syria led to civil war, mass migration, roadblocks by angry citizens, water riots, increased dengue fever as people hard water, and 1 million refugees fleeing to Europe. Egypt also … Continue reading
Posted in Caused by Scarce Resources, Drought & Collapse, Mass migrations, Middle East, Social Uprising, Starvation, Water
Tagged agriculture, conflict, mass migration, revolution, war, water
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Biodiversity loss has gone beyond the planetary boundaries
Source: Tanja Folnovic, June 23, 2015 “Loss of Biodiversity”. Preface. The survival of homo sapiens depends on the ecosystem that supports us, so a loss of biodiversity is a threat to our survival and ultimately can lead to extinction. … Continue reading
Posted in Biodiversity Loss, Extinction
Tagged biodiversity, ecosystem, extinction
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Homer-Dixon predicts 20 to 30% chance of Trump causing financial crisis, war, civil violence, and authoritarianism over next 5 years
[ Homer-Dixon wrote an article over a year ago for the Toronto Globe and Mail titled “Crisis analysis, how much damage can Trump do? (A lot). How’d his prediction turn out? Within this article is a link showing 4 major … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Scientists, Social Disorder, War
Tagged authoritarianism, civil violence, financial crash, Trump, war
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U.S. Industrial farming destroys future food production for centuries
Preface. Below are excerpts from a devastating critique of current farming practices by the National research council who show the myriad ways that industrial farming is harming the land and future food production.
5 Russian Satan missiles could destroy 4 million people – there are 55 of them
[ I don’t think it’s likely Russia or the U.S. will unleash a nuclear war, though given the out-of-control gangster Trump administration, and the end of growth due to declining per capita resources creating great anger in the U.S. and … Continue reading
Posted in Nuclear War
Tagged nuclear war
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Mass migration: Africa
Sengupta, S. 2016-12-15. Heat, Hunger and War Force Africans Onto a ‘Road on Fire’. New York Times. AGADEZ, Niger — The world dismisses them as economic migrants. The law treats them as criminals who show up at a nation’s borders … Continue reading
Posted in Drought & Collapse, Extreme Weather, Mass migrations
Tagged Africa, climate change, mass migration
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America’s energy security, jobs & climate challenges
Preface. In this 2010 House of Representatives hearing, General Wesley Clark foresaw in 1973 “that US military forces might have to become engaged to defend or protect oil-producer governments”. Today “we can look back on the continuing failures of American … Continue reading
Peak Carbon
[ This is from the Seneca Effect written by somebody in the Netherlands, wish I knew who, he or she is quite brilliant. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation”, 2015, Springer … Continue reading