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Tag Archives: china
Book review of “Surveillance State”
Preface. China hopes to nip rebellion in the bud before a revolution takes place by excessive monitoring and then respond quickly with improvements to prevent one. And show the world their system is better than democracy. But then there is … Continue reading
Why tight fracked oil and gas is mostly extracted in the US
Source: Smithsonian. May 2013 map of shale oil and gas formation. fource U.S. EIA & USGS. Preface. Unconventional US (and some Canadian) fracked tight oil was over 90% of how oil production increased after conventional oil peaked in 2008, but … Continue reading
Posted in Oil & Gas Fracked
Tagged china, fracking, natural gas, oil, Poland, tight, UK
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Dozens of reasons why solar power can’t replace fossil fuels
Preface. Last update 2024-6-3. All solar (and wind) do is add to the giant bonfire of burning fossil fuels — which still provide two-thirds of the power for the electric grid. Electricity is just a fraction of how we use … Continue reading
Posted in Alternative Energy, CSP with thermal energy storage, Photovoltaic Solar, Recycle, Recycling, Solar, Solar EROI, Subsidies
Tagged china, EROI, fossil fuels, greenhouse gases, orbiting solar, PV, solar, subsidy, toxic chemicals
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Autos need finite rare earth, critical, & precious metals
An electric car uses five times as many minerals as a conventional car (IEA 2020): IEA, Minerals used in selected power generation technologies, IEA, Paris There are 17 rare earth elements (REE) that China controls up to 97% of … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Peak Rare Earth Elements
Tagged Cerium, china, dysprosium, Europium, lanthanum, neodymium, Praseodymium, rare earth, terbium, Yttrium
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Will the Great Game be won by Cyber Attacks?
Preface. This is a book review of Joel Brenner’s “America the Vulnerable: Inside the New Threat Matrix of Digital Espionage, Crime, and Warfare”. The ransom cyber attack on the colonial pipeline forced the shutdown of a vital pipeline delivering half … Continue reading
Posted in China and War, Cyber, Cyber Attack Books, CyberAttacks, War Books
Tagged china, cyber attack, cyber war, Russia
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Toxic Loans Around the World Weigh on Global Growth
Preface. Obviously endless growth on a finite planet is impossible. Clearly the main “benefit” of debt is being able to rape and pillage the planet immediately. The accumulating debt can never be paid off, because energy is required to grow … Continue reading
China is deforesting Russia
Preface. Here’s more than half of a New York Times article about China deforesting Russia. Yikes! Peak oil had better come soon before we denude the earth. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future … Continue reading
Posted in Deforestation
Tagged china, deforestation, Russia
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Hydropower dams and the ways they destroy the environment
Preface. Hydropower comprises 71% of renewable energy worldwide. Nations like the U.S. and Europe have dams that have reached the end of their lifespan — more are being torn down than built. In the U.S. 546 dams were removed between … Continue reading
Posted in CO2 and Methane, Dams, Hydropower
Tagged biodiversity, china, environment, hydropower, Three Gorges dam
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Crash alert: China’s resource crisis could be the trigger
Preface. Way to go Nafeez Ahmed, your second home run of reality based reporting on the energy crisis this week. There are countless economists within the mainstream media predicting an economic crisis worse than in 2008, but they totally ignore … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, EROEI remaining oil too low, Peak Oil
Tagged china, debt, EROI, financial crisis, peak oil
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