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Tag Archives: energy efficiency
Tax reform & federal energy policy: incentives to promote energy efficiency. U.S. Senate hearing.
[ By far the best strategy to cope with energy decline is to prepare by making homes, businesses, appliances, vehicles, and so on more energy efficient. If it turns out that renewable energy has too low an EROI to sustain … Continue reading
Posted in Conserve Energy, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged energy efficiency
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Expressways & Interstates are only designed to last for 20 years
Preface. I make the case that civilization would end in a week if trucks stopped running in my first book, and though I had in mind that they would be running low on diesel fuel on the downside of world … Continue reading
Posted in Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Roads, Trucks
Tagged energy efficiency, infrastructure, railroad, roads, train, truck
How to improve railroad fuel efficiency
[ Below are excerpts from this 70 page report. It is hard to find documents on reducing oil consumption through energy efficiency, most papers concentrate on greenhouse gas emissions, which usually lowers energy efficiency, or how to grow roads, rail … Continue reading
Posted in Railroads
Tagged energy efficiency, engine, fuel cell, locomotive, turbine
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