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Tag Archives: ethanol
Schlesinger predicts investments in 2006 will cause oil glut and denial of peak oil in future
Energy Security and Oil Dependence. Two Senate hearings from 2006. In these two 2006 hearings (excerpts below), there is a constant refrain of our dependence on oil, yet now, many congressional hearings are about our energy independence. Apparently congress has … Continue reading
Posted in Peak Oil, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Energy Policy
Tagged biden, biofuels, copulos, dependence, energy, energy policy, ethanol, grumet, khosla, oil, peak oil, schlesinger, woolsey
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GAO on why ethanol, and other non-drop in fuels, face pipeline & installation at service station challenges
[The challenges that ethanol faces in being put into new or modified pipelines and added to gas stations are issues faced by all alternative fuels (methanol, CNG, LNG, DME, diesohol, CTL, hydrogen, and so on) in a transition from gasoline … Continue reading
Posted in Automobiles, Biofuels, Fuel Distribution, Pipeline
Tagged biofuel, E85, ethanol, non drop-in fuel, pipeline, service station
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Large agribusiness gets corporate welfare via illegal ethanol subsidies
What more proof is needed that the Energy Returned on Energy Invested of ethanol is negative? They’re losing money and getting corporate welfare to keep the scam going, meanwhile destroying prime topsoil, poisoning the land with pesticides, and eutrophying the … Continue reading
Posted in Biofuels, EROEI Energy Returned on Energy Invested
Tagged agribusiness, biodiesel, EROEI, ethanol, illegal, subsidies
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Almost half of Rail Freight is Energy, increasingly Crude Oil
Source: American Association of Railroads. 46% of all tonnage hauled by freight trains is Energy: In 2014, crude oil will likely be 650,000 carloads — 2% of all carloads, 2.2% of tonnage. In addition 2.6% of rail tonnage was refined … Continue reading
Germany National Academy of Sciences report: Don’t use biofuels
Preface. This German study explains why biomass doesn’t scale up to make biofuels, whether from algae, cellulose, or plants, as well as why trying to do so would harm the environment. Alice Friedemann Women in ecology author of 2021 … Continue reading
Posted in Algae, Biofuels, Biomass, Biomass EROI, Wood
Tagged algae, biodiesel, biofuel, environment, ethanol
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