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Tag Archives: Ogallala
USGS Groundwater Depletion study of aquifer decline in the U.S.
Preface. I summarize two major research papers on the state of the Ogallal below. It and many other aquifers are depleting rapidly, and polluted from pesticides, feedlot waste, intruding salts, and other pollution. Rainfall isn’t replenishing the Ogallala. Many won’t … Continue reading
Posted in Government study predictions, Groundwater, Peak Food, Peak Water
Tagged aquifer, california, depletion, groundwater, Ogallala, USGS
1 Comment
California’s central valley aquifers may be gone in 2030s, Ogallala 2050-2070
Preface. Clearly the human population isn’t going to reach 10 billion or more. California grows one-third of the nation’s food, the 10 high-plains states over the Ogallala about a quarter of the nations food, and exports a great deal of … Continue reading
Posted in Groundwater, Peak Water, Water Infrastructure
Tagged aquifer, california, depletion, groundwater, Ogallala, peak water
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