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Category Archives: 1) Decline
After collapse: plunder or feudalism?
IWW poster “Pyramid of Capitalist System” (c. 1911), depicting an anti-capitalist perspective on statist/capitalist social structures Preface. In this post an anonymous author looks at what will happen if society collapses and we have to suddenly go back to … Continue reading
Posted in Farming & Ranching, Peak Food, Peak Phosphorus, Soil, Where are the rich going
Tagged agriculture, billionaires, collapse, farming, feudalism, greenhouse
Why railroads are against running locomotives on natural gas
Since oil is finite, natural gas was seen as a fuel that could extend how long oil lasted by being a “bridge” fuel. Since natural gas is finite also, and would lead to dependence on unstable foreign nations, the plan … Continue reading
Posted in LNG Liquified Natural Gas, Natural Gas Vehicles, Railroads
Tagged CNG, LNG, natural gas, railroad
Coal power plants depend on railroads to deliver coal
[ The extract of a Senate hearing below is mostly spent on testimony by utilities bashing the railroads for not delivering enough coal due to a disaster in the Powder River Basin, Wyoming area, where coal dust infiltrated the stone … Continue reading
Posted in Blackouts, Coal, Interdependencies, Railroads, Transportation Infrastructure
Tagged climate change, coal, CTL, electric grid, interdependency, railroad, transportation
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Why is Detroit falling apart so fast?
Using Google street view history, records the decay of homes in Detroit. Above shows homes September 2009, September 2011, and September 2013 I’ve been fascinated with the decline of Detroit since a guy in my dormitory told me back … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Infrastructure & Collapse, Infrastructure & Fast Crash, Poverty
Tagged collapse, Detroit, infrastructure, nuclear waste
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Matchmaking for trucks so fewer run empty after deliveries
[ These apps have the potential to prevent some trucks from returning empty after their delivery, which wastes finite diesel fuel. See the full article here. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of … Continue reading
Agricultural Transportation and Energy Issues. Senate hearing 2005.
Preface. What follows are excerpts from this hearing. Over and over senators warn of our dependence on oil. The question is: what are they doing about it? I’d guess given the crackdown on immigration that the government is aware of … Continue reading
Posted in Transportation, Trucks, U.S. Congress Energy Dependence, U.S. Congress Transportation
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Sand mines used to frack oil & gas are destroying the best topsoil in the Midwest
Preface. Frac sand is a high-purity quartz sand that is injected into wells to blast and hold open cracks in the shale rock layer during the fracking process. In the United States, frac sand is being mined intensively from sandstone … Continue reading
HSBC bank report predicts another financial crisis in 2018
[ Bill Hill of the Hill’s group predicted in June 2016 (at a forum): “We expect to have reached permanent depression by the end of 2017. The reduction will not hit all nations the same way. The richer Western … Continue reading
Posted in Crash Coming Soon, Economic Decline
Tagged HSBC bank, peak oil
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Electric Cars and Biofuels switch dependence from foreign oil to domestic water and weather risks
Figure 1. Energy/Water Nexus Amy Hardberger, Matthew E. Mantell, Michael Webber, Carey W. King, Karl Fennessey [ This Senate hearing covers a lot of ground. I found the most interesting testimony to be the intersection of water and energy, … Continue reading
Posted in Drought, Energy Production, Hydropower, Transportation, Water Infrastructure
Tagged hydropower, peak oil, peak water, water dependence
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U.S. House meeting on terrorist threats to energy security
[ Even though this hearing was over a decade ago, the issues are still the same. Nothing has changed. Alice Friedemann author of “When Trucks Stop Running: Energy and the Future of Transportation, 2015, Springer] House 109-70. July 27, … Continue reading
Posted in Caused by Scarce Resources, Chokepoints, Middle East, Oil Shocks, Transportation
Tagged oil dependence, oil shock, Ras Tanura, saudi arabia, SPR, strategic petroleum reserve, terrorism
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