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Category Archives: 1) Decline
Food shortages as the energy crisis grows and supply chains break?
Preface. This is a long preface followed by two articles about how supply chains and complex tractors may be affected by energy shortages and consequent supply chain failures in the future.Which we’re already seeing as massive numbers of ships sit … Continue reading
Posted in Cascading Failure, CyberAttacks, Economic Decline, Interdependencies, Liebig's Law, Peak Critical Elements, Peak Oil
Tagged collapse, EROI, interdependency, microchip, peak oil, supply chain
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The Good News About Peak Oil
As oil declines, the threat of a greenhouse earth & extinction from climate change decline Carbon sequestration, wind, solar, geo-engineering, and other remedies are trivial compared to the effect declining fossil fuels will have on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The … Continue reading
Posted in Peak Natural Gas, Peak Oil, Pesticides, Planetary Boundaries, What to do
Tagged climate change, fertilizer, natural gas, peak oil, pesticide, rationing
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USGS Groundwater Depletion study of aquifer decline in the U.S.
Preface. I summarize two major research papers on the state of the Ogallal below. It and many other aquifers are depleting rapidly, and polluted from pesticides, feedlot waste, intruding salts, and other pollution. Rainfall isn’t replenishing the Ogallala. Many won’t … Continue reading
Posted in Government study predictions, Groundwater, Peak Food, Peak Water
Tagged aquifer, california, depletion, groundwater, Ogallala, USGS
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Toxic chemicals threaten health, reproduction, cause cancer, diabetes
Preface. This post could have thousands more entries, but devoting energyskeptic to the tens of thousands of chemicals that are legally polluting our environment would be a full-time job. However scary the transition from fossils back to wood world may … Continue reading
Posted in Chemicals
Tagged bisphenol A, BPA, CFC, chemicals, EDC, endocrine disrupting chemicals, health, phthalates, pollution, reproduction
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Freshwater fish under threat of extinction
Preface. A third of freshwater fish are under threat from pollution, over fishing, dams, non-native species, climate change, disruption of river ecology and more. Alice Friedemann Author of Life After Fossil Fuels: A Reality Check on Alternative Energy; When … Continue reading
Will Artificial Intelligence destroy us?
Preface. When it comes to artificial intelligence, most articles assume it will happen, so discussions range around when and how it will happen. Often speculation that a general AI may use its ability to find patterns in data will allow … Continue reading